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This feeling, this strange cold feeling I was currently having wasn't new to me. Even before I left for Paris and never looked back, I felt it. Even during the period I studied at Sorbonne, I felt it. As I slept, as I showered, as I got coffee in the morning, as I jogged, as I went out, as I did my daily tasks, I felt it.

The cold breeze would envelop my body even when I was in a place without windows.

And now I was feeling it after leaving Paris.

It couldn't be him, it certainly could not be him.

It shouldn't be him in fact.

The void I have been feeling since the last time I laid my eyes on him seven years ago never left me. No matter how much I denied it, no matter how much I pretended it wasn't there, no matter the amount or how hard I smiled and pretended I was okay in front of Diana or our other friends, it was still there. I still felt it, and boy did it grow stronger and more intense as the years went by. Being away from L.A truly did shit. Other than the fact I escaped my Mother's toxic presence, I still felt dead inside. I always wondered if he felt the way I felt.

How could he when he was the one that left me?

I mentally chuckled to myself. I hurt him so he hurt me. There was no way I was still on his mind. Who knows? Maybe my memories with him has been forgotten. What if he moved forward? What if he has a wife and a child now?

But the news surrounding the Snow family didn't say anything like that. What if he did a secret marriage and hid his family from the media? The Snow family has suffered in the hands of the press before so it would make sense to hide them. From the death of David Snow, to Daniel's younger brother getting a girl pregnant in High School, also him finally bringing out his older brother's son and stopping all the rumors. So many scandals. So yeah, he probably has a lot of things on his plate that would stop him from remembering me. Or giving me half a thought.

Despite the shocking death of his wonderful Father that I unfortunately had the chance of meeting just once, Blue was able to rise up as President of his family's company. On top of that, he has been proving himself worthy of his position by taking the company to greater heights his predecessor couldn't reach.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts. I couldn't afford to drown myself into a pit that I had no hope of reviving myself up from not recovering from the fall. I needed to focus on my reunion with André and make sure to not let anything to demolish it. Especially on a day like this.

As said before, it has been two months since André and I collided and stepped into each other's lives. All that I have been doing was restoring the relationship his family had with my family. Although my Father had been away for a while now, so he hasn't been associating with Andrew Lombardi. But the wives of the two men however had been patching up their friendship over numerous tea parties. It was weird how they drank tea anytime of the day.

I have been playing my role of being a dutiful girlfriend and showing off my 'stepmother skills' to not just André, but his entire family as a whole. From his parents, and most especially his Aunts and Uncles. I couldn't risk anything from going south. My Mother would probably curse me on the spot for failing again.

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