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"What?" Blue looked at me with disappointment on his face. "I...I know I fucked up big time. And I hurt you, and I left you. I did a lot of heartless things—"

"Blue, wait." I told him as I tried to find the perfect words to explain how I felt. "I love you, I love you and I will always love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and who knows? Explore the world together? I don't really know what married people do. But I want to do that with you."

"Then what's the matter?" He asked gently, trying to think of a way to convince me.

"I..." I tried to stop the tears from coming out, but I couldn't. "I need to heal." I nodded to myself. "Most of my life, I tailored myself to be someone's wife. I lost myself in the process. I stopped doing things that made me happy and focused on being the perfect fiancée for a guy who didn't even love me. If I say yes to your proposal, it's all going to be the same thing again. Being someone's fiancée." He was about to talk when I cut him off. "I know that things would be different because we love each other. But still, I need a break from...being in a union. I want to be myself first. I want to love myself and treat myself better than how I have been doing for the past ten years. I want to focus on the one thing that I stopped concentrating on. My Mother always discouraged me from being independent by opening my own business. She saw it as useless considering I was going to be THE André Lombardi's wife. She also saw me as being incapable of owning something of my own. And over the years, I lost my confidence. But I'm done being scared, she isn't going to whisper doubts in my ear anymore. I want to do the one thing I haven't been able to do." I said and breathed out, scared of what would happen next.



It has been exactly a year since that night I drove back home more than fucking terrified and at peace at the same time. To say that I was heartbroken from her reply would be an understatement to what I actually felt. Although she said she needed time to get herself before committing her life to a marriage, a little part of me the devil was whispering to, was filling me with thoughts of her not wanting to be with me. I know, it was stupid of me.

But I loved Chloé, just like her Father, her well-being was my priority as well. So having her as my fucking wife could wait. I wanted her to be happy. She deserved nothing but happiness after the long suffering she went through with her excuse of a Mother.

Furthermore, I wasn't going to be an oblivious idiot to the fact that my Chloé was still in the process of moving from the chaos we both caused each other. I could see she was still hurt that I slept with Gabriella just to jab at André. Although she said she was fine, I still went my way into continuously apologizing. Up to even making public stunts just to wow her. And that of course caused a lot of attention from the media. Yeah, maybe next time, I shouldn't order for there to be fireworks in the air that spelt out 'I'm sorry Chloé'.

Fuck that, I would go to any length to profess my love to her.

I still remember the shocked expression on her face when she stepped out of her company to have a better view of it. Her eyes glistened with tears when she saw me standing outside with her favorite bouquet of flowers.

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