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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



"That was so uncalled for." André hissed at me concerning what I did few minutes earlier.

"What's the matter boo-bear? I can't call your child anymore?" I smiled sheepishly at him. But he just scoffed me off and walked in the opposite direction.

Throughout the party, as I walked round, I could hear snickers from some people. Obviously, they were still gossiping about the fact that André and I had gotten back together. Some debated amongst themselves if I contributed to the ending of their story. I mean I did, but they would never know that. No one will. And I would bear children for André.

Speaking of children, I watched as Tequila and her Mother played with the other children in the ball pit. Everyone watched when she called on her Father to join her and her Mother in playing. Something in my mind just told me this Gabriella of a girl was certainly seeking to destroy my plans today. She just came an hour ago, and André was already hypnotized by everything she did. Whether it was to smile, or laugh, or hiss, or pick up a fucking cupcake, his eyes followed her everywhere. So of course he wouldn't have hesitated to go into a ball pit she was inside!

One advice that I would tell my children. Never marry a man with a baby mama. That bitch would always come first.

Everyone, including me watched as both of them stared at each other like all those romantic actors do in K-drama. It was irritating to watch. Funny fact was that I wasn't even jealous! I just wished it was Blue and I. It had just been an hour or two, yet I was already sick of playing a side character in their love story. What about my story? Didn't I deserve the spotlight with my own significant other?

Fuck this shit.

"Darling." I called out to André. "Tequila you're having so much fun that you forgot to invite Aunt Chloe." I plastered a smile on my face as I cat-walked to them.

"AUNT?" Gabriella creased her forehead and snapped her eyes at me. I could already see the familiar fire in her ready to incinerate me into ashes. "How are WE related?" She folded her arms and stared at me boldy. "You aren't even Italian." She rose her brow at me.

I hated Italians and their ego problem.

Obviously, slight chuckles from people in the crowd appeared as the others whispered.

"Gabriella." I smiled at her. "Tempered as always." I turned her face to André. "Babe, please help me down, I don't want to trip." I batted my lashes at the bastard.

"Of course." He said right after he quietly laid profanities on me. André let out his hand but obviously, I refused.

I wanted to play a little with the two love birds. "Carry me, I'm scared to fall." I pretended.

Tequila looked at me as he brought me down. She quickly wrapped her arms around her Mother's legs as she heaved a sigh. I stared at him as he held my waist and proceeded in bringing me inside. Thankfully, I was putting on a white jumpsuit, so it was easy for me to wrap my legs around his waist.

"Chloé, this is a kids party." He said under his breath. "This is too much P.D.A..." André couldn't finish talking due to the fact I cut him off by kissing him.

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