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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



"Oh Chloé, but why?!" Eleanor inquired with a shocked expression.

I rose my brow as I crossed my legs while looking at her with a duh face. "You know it wouldn't be proper."

"Yeah, if it was another case." She said. Her assistant knocked and entered the office. "Fuck off, Katia!" She dismissed her assistant who was already more than frustrated with her boss, despite she just resumed work a day ago. "I am tired."

"You haven't done shit since you came back, Eleanor." I told her as her assistant huffed and left.

"Of course I have! Sitting on this uncomfortable chair in this corporate wear all day is working, Chloé." She rolled her eyes before bringing out a stick from her blazer pocket and lighting it up.

"You will give yourself lung cancer." I told her and she just dismissed me with a wave of her hand. "Back to what we were saying, you should totally go!"


"But why?" She carried up her feet and placed it on her office desk. Eleanor was really not ready to handle her family's business...at all.

"Because it's my ex's engagement party, I don't want to make his bride uncomfortable or her family disrespected." I said. "I also don't want to feel uncomfortable."

"But the bride was the one that invited you! Not even André. And Alexis would be there considering Gabriella and Alexis were friends before. Kylie is even going too." She added.

I tried to brainstorm more reasons as to why I declined the invite she emailed to me. "Um!" I snapped my fingers as I thought of another one. "They aren't even doing it in the States. It's all the way in Mexico at her maternal grandparents' home in Polanco, I think."

"You talk as though Mexico isn't just at the side of California. We are literally neighbors with Tijuana." She said and I shook my head in disagreement.

"No, San Diego is, not Los Angeles." I corrected her. "And this is why you failed Geography in our Falcon year."

"Geography has nothing to do with this." She scoffed at me.

"Whatever." I chuckled.

"So you're really not going to go?"

"I'm too busy anyways." I shrugged.

She hissed at my obvious lie. "Doing what? Letting your Mother curse the shit out of you for breaking your engagement?"

She was right. It had been a month, and my Mother still didn't let me go at the fact I broke off my union with André. I just couldn't do it, I couldn't marry him. I didn't want to be a stepmother to Tequila if it meant suffering the kid from seeing her parents together. And I wouldn't even make André happy, and vice versa. I was in love with someone else.


Speaking of that, after doing what I did, I thought that everything I imagined in my head would come to pass. But sadly, I had not heard from Blue since that day. And yes, I let down my ego, and I tried calling him. I tried texting too, even as far as going to his company that was still in the process of moving the headquarters back to the States. But the receptionist informed me that; "Mr. Snow hasn't been in office for a while now. He might be on a business trip."

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