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From my little knowledge, I know that the first recorded use of alcohol in history dates back to 7000 B.C.E in ancient China. Considering the absurd interest I have in their history, I know that they were brewing some sort of rice wine called 'jiu'. I'm not sure. But what I do know I want to say is xie xie ni gei wu jiu de fa ming, jin gu yi ta ying xiang ren men zuo cheng yu mou de jue ding he you bao li xing wei."

{Chinese (Pinyin) To English Translation: "...thank you for inventing alcohol despite how it influences people to make stupid decisions and act impulsively out of rage."}

Stupidity is an understatement when trying to explain what I am. I will never get drunk again. I didn't even just get drunk at that party, but wasted. What am I saying? I have a high tolerance for alcohol so I shouldn't blame the stupid drink. But it was not like I did it intentionally. God knows if I had the chance to go back in time, I would have denounced my agreement in running against Lombardi in this conquest.

Unlike the other guys, I never planned on involving myself in this childish tradition the Eagles did during summer. But Chloé. Chloé made me run mad. Yes, I should blame it on Chloé. What the fuck am I saying? She didn't hold me at gun point to do this. I did it out of impulse the minute Drake wanted out of it and shifted Amber away from our target. My instincts have never been wrong and they will NEVER be wrong.

I was finally going to hit André where it hurt.

This can't be just a feeling. He is drowning and I will make sure that even the littlest possibility of getting oxygen would be snatched from him.

Ring the bells people, it's time for revenge.

"Stop staring at my sister." André's voice came from behind as I leaned on the balcony railing intentionally watching Andrea Lombardi talk to her new friend the whole school was curious about.

"Not her. Her." I pointed at Gabriella who was by the side of Andrea's car as they laughed about God knows what.

"If you look at her one more time, I will poke that finger into your fucking eyes. It's best if you keep your eyesight in check considering you will have nothing to use to stalk Chloé from the shadows." His tone hardened as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Chloé could go fuck herself. Falcons are my new fetish." I smirked.

"That says a lot in contrast to the look of amusement and fire in your eyes when Chloé almost had you expelled."

Oh, that. I sincerely tried my best to make myself hate her. To make myself despise her every being but I can't. She just ends up making me fall for her even more. Can't believe she almost made me get rusticated last week. Isn't she the definition of cuteness?

God, I love that woman.

I still remember how her eyes widened with those fuckable lips of hers pulled from each other as she stared at Principal Gray tearing the expulsion sheet she got from the V.P right in front of her.

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