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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




This was my last night as an Eagle, yet I was seriously watching a particular person like a Hawk about to pounce and capture it's prey. Any and everywhere she went, my eyes followed her. Sincerely speaking, there was a tiny part of me that didn't want to do what I was about to execute. I couldn't afford having a double thought on this, so I decided to finally agree with Eleanor to gulp one shot of her crazy cocktail she just came up with. It tastes horrible but I guessed that was what made it enticing? I don't know.

What I do know was that my prey looked extremely uncomfortable for the first time she was out partying with her friends. I had been noticing her mood ever since she hugged André during the graduation ceremony and he left her to follow Wes. Since then, till now at the after party, she has been having a hesitant expression...

A scared expression.

Maybe she could sense the disaster awaiting?

My plan would not come to existence if André would be lurking around her like her personal bodyguard. I needed her to be alone for me to succeed in this. In accomplishing your dreams, sometimes, you have to leave and possibly betray some certain people in your life. Well, it depends on what you are aiming for. Maybe later, I'll send an apology basket to Amber Marks for what was about to happen. She didn't confide in me, no. But it didn't stop me from knowing considering I suspected, and I have eyes and ears everywhere. It wasn't personal, just...an opportunity.

An opportunity that would end with Drake getting his soul completely crushed tonight.

I reached out for my phone and gave Eleanor a final call to make sure everything was planning out perfectly. "Is it set?"

"It sure is." I could almost sense her smirking. "I do feel bad though, for Amber."

"I feel bad for Drake being used, not her. Maybe they'll make up, I don't really care." I rolled my eyes. "This better not blow up in my face, Thompson." I said her surname to make sure she realized I was serious.

"You don't need to worry about a thing. Everything is about to be set on fire. You just need to do your part." Roughly about twenty minutes later, Eleanor called back. "It is done. Drake is on fire, Chlo!" She whisper-yelled.

"I never did like Drake from kindergarten anyway." I shrugged, feeling no remorse. "Are the guys around?"

"I'm seeing the boys heading our way." She whispered. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you later."

And with that, I made sure not to let Gabriella out of my sight. It was time for me to act. Act perfectly for that matter. I noticed she was already getting tipsy by the way she was walking so drowsily to the back door so it just benefited me more.

I discreetly followed her as she made her way to the backyard, probably looking for André. "André? André!" She called after him but the bastard didn't answer. He was too indulged in driving as fast as he could to wherever the fuck Drake was heading to. Wonderful. "I swear to God when I fucking get my hands on him I will—"

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