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"Both of you tell me, how is school?" Uncle Andrew smiled at André and I.

"Oh yes yes! I am interested to hear how middle school has treated both of you." Aunt Anna became excited as she placed back her fork and knife. "Middle school was my favorite actually, I hated High School."

"School is absolutely lovely." I presented the best smile I could fake out. "But I am so excited to enter high school, I am happy we are done with the eighth grade."

"That's lovely to hear." André's father smiled at me. "André, what about you?" Him and Aunt Anna glanced at their son that had on an expression of not wanting to be present at the dinner.

He couldn't even hide his anger.

Since our stupid betrothal, it had been nothing but pretense, joint dinners, attending public events with our parents, holding hands in school, eating together in the cafeteria together, studying together even though we had COMPLETELY different ways of reading, going to amusement parks with our younger siblings, making his sisters my friends even though I had a feeling that Andrea didn't even like me to begin with.

If my mind was not stuck on a particular person, maybe this would have been easier. But it wasn't. Plus on top of all these, Blue ignored my existence throughout us being Diamonds, plus when we became Sapphires. Every semester, he was friends with different people and had different girls holding his arm like they were his wives. He never once looked at me, he never once tried to kill André whenever he would hold my hand. He didn't care anymore. It was like I never existed.

Everyone slowly forgot that there was a time Blue and I were against the world. And now I was André's girlfriend. Funny how so many girls in our class would kill to have that title, but I was disgusted by it.

How would I ever manage being his wife?

A thirteen year old shouldn't be thinking about things like this. I should be worried about my school, or which sweater would match with my shoes, or what lip gloss to wear, or how to join the cheerleading team, or talk about all my celebrity crushes.

But no, I entered a deal that would make me suffer for the rest of my life. How self sacrificial of me. Mother must be proud.

"André?" Uncle Andrew called at him.

"What do you want me to say? Middle school is lovely! Bla bla bla.." He rolled his eyes and stabbed his chicken with his golden fork.

"André Lombardi." His mother scolded him. "Don't talk like that to your father." She said.

"Then don't force me to do something I don't want to do!" He shouted at Aunt Anna and everyone was stunned. André gets off his seat and stormed out of the dining hall.

"I'll go to him." I said as I stood up from my chair and began running after him. "André!" I called upon my short tempered fiancé. After all, it was my duty to go to him in time of troubles.


He went up the stairs and headed straight into his room. But just when I was about to enter, he tried to slam the door at my face. "Go away."

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