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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



"What God has joined together..." The Pastor said as Chloé beamed at me with happiness as we held each other's hands so tight. Not wanting to let go.

"...let no man put asunder." The audience watching announced.

"And now..." The Pastor continued and Eleanor instantly got excited from where she stood.

"YASSS BABY GIRL!" It was evident she was already wasted.

The Pastor just shook his head before continuing. "...with the power vested in me by God, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride."

You don't have to tell me twice. I took a strong hold of Chloé's waist and executed her lips with mine for everyone present to watch and know she was my wife. Now and forevermore. Even when we were ghosts, we would remain together. I couldn't bare spending the rest of my life and afterlife with no one else but her. She was my sanity.

Once the formal things were over and everyone congratulated us as they swarmed around me and my impromptu bride. I couldn't help but hold the waist of Chloé so possessively. Even as she was mine by right, I was still oddly jealous of any living thing breathing around her.

"This is literally my dream wedding!" She exclaimed to her friends as well as the enemies we were associating ourselves with. "Blue!" She took my hand and began lamenting on how she wanted to do a drawing for André and Gabriella as a wedding gift for them in Italy. But accidentally drew herself and I. "And I'm wearing blue too!" She twirled around as she giggled so happily. God, she was fucking joyous.

"Congratulations, Chloé." Later on, her Mother finally got the courage to stand from her seat to come greet us. "You two would make a fine couple. I can see the love in both your eyes for one another." She spoke with regret in both her voice and eyes.

Chloé ignored her entire existence by glancing at her expensive Diamond ring that fit her finger so well. Guess measuring her finger the other night I snuck into her penthouse was worth it after all. She was just about to walk up to Alexis and completely avoid Carina when I elbowed her and caught a grip of her waist, pulling her back. She instantly glared at me who obviously told her with my eyes to at least be kind.

I didn't like Carina, one bit. Everything would have gone blissful if she didn't lie about the betrothal years ago. None of the drama that happened would have happened. But at the end of the day, she was my Mother-in-law that I had to pretend to respect. As well as try to help Carina make amends with her daughter considering she was acting remorseful recently.

"Thanks." Chloé barely said it loud before dragging me along with her away from Carina. I had to give Carina a warm nod to which she sadly smiled at.

"Wait! How are you guys going to do now? We weren't planning for a wedding so we didn't think about it. We weren't even sure Chloé would say yes!" Eleanor exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" Irene placed her hands on her hips.

"They're married!" She gestured at us. "Daniel obviously wouldn't waste time and fuck Chloé before nine pm reaches tonight." Eleanor bluntly said and everyone facepalmed themselves at her big mouth.

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