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"Have a great day at school babies! I love you guys so much."

Courtney groaned as Daddy trapped all of us in his arms...AGAIN. "Daddy we'll be late." She complained. "Kylie and I have to run to our building while Princess Chloé gets driven to hers." My little sister hissed.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I forgot you guys are no longer going to be in the same building! My little princess is going to middle school." He held my face with love and affection. I just smiled as much as I could let out.

"Daddy." Kylie whined.

"Okay okay! I'll let you guys go. But first.." He started and then turned to Courtney. "Obey the teachers when they tell you to do something you know you should do. Fifth Grade should not repeat itself in your final year in Elementary School my little muffin." Daddy tried his best to be stern but he truly was not meant to be the disciplinarian between our parents.

"Yes Daddy, I'll try not to start a fight with all my Teachers. For the fifth time."

"And try and be social my little muffin. You know your sisters aren't always going to be around." He raked her hair.

"I'll think about it Daddy." She muttered but we all knew she wouldn't even do it. Courtney kissed Daddy on the cheek with a final hug before running in the opposite direction to the Senior Elementary Building. The two Elementary buildings held so many memories of me and...

"Kylie my little fairy."  He said and she grinned so hard. "Keep on doing what you're doing. Mom and I are so proud of you! But remember what we talked about."

"I remember Daddy! I promise I'll watch over Court." She playfully saluted like a new recruit in the army.

"Exactly my little fairy! I love you so much." He showered her head with kisses. "I promise when I get back from work next month, I'll take you shopping and maybe I'll agree for you to start wearing makeup."

The minute dearest Father said that, Kylie screamed so loud that every single person around stopped what they were doing and turned around. Even Daddy and Uncle Richard had to cover their ears because of how loud she was shrieking. Kylie was so excited hearing that because our Parents had been keeping makeup OFF her sight since she started walking TILL NOW.

But now that Daddy had given her lost but found hope, Kylie is going to paint on her face whatever enters her mind. She'll not only glam herself up, but probably even glam Daddy and Uncle Richard. James Charles is currently her icon. She can't go a day without watching his YouTube videos on her iPad.

She hugged Daddy and kissed him over and over again on his cheek. Then hopped happily to her building as she told everyone that passed her way how amazing her Daddy was.

Which is true.

And here comes...

"Chloé baby." Daddy stared at me with concern.

"I'm fine Daddy." I immediately said.

"You know you don't have to do it. There's no pressure, trust me." He held my hands.

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