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"Different building, different bodies, different uniforms." Alexis giggled.

"Gone are the days where we could just wear only skirts. Senior classes gives you the option to wear a cute skirt when you want to..." Irene said.

"And pull out in black pants when you want to trample the world under your four inched heels." I finished the line with a smirk as we made our way through the more composed and organized ground floor of the Senior Block.

" I finished the line with a smirk as we made our way through the more composed and organized ground floor of the Senior Block

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Finally, we made it.

The building was made of pure tech glass that covered the five storey building with a greenhouse at the top to give it a prettier and cozier view. The Senior Block was everyone's dream to walk into because none of the other buildings could compare to it. Even after the renovations they did to all the buildings during the summer, still, none could compare to it. Absolutely none of them.

The Senior High School pool was bigger and deeper than all of the pools attached to the other buildings, plus their field they designed to give stadium vibes was out of this world. I could run in the fields in a pretty cottagecore dress thinking it was filled with dandelions.

Or I could set the entire field on fire.

But I wouldn't do that.

Why? Because why would I want to waste petrol on an innocent field when there are many people's names in my book that I was yet to set them on fire. It wouldn't be fair to the petrol.

Just saying.

An improvement the school did during the summer was the introduction of golf carts in the front all of the buildings. The management were so generous to place ten each for the Nursery, Junior, and Senior Elementary Buildings. They put twenty each for the Junior and Senior High School. Unfortunately, the Pupils from Kindergarten to the Students in Sapphires that were not fourteen of age were not allow to drive it. Diamonds, and Sapphires that hadn't turned fourteen yet would be very pissed to hear that.

One of the partial improvements the school did for the Senior Block despite them already having a lot of perks already was that they brought in an elevator for us. But consoled the rest except the Nursery Building with escalators in each building so hurray for them.

As the girls and I strut into the hall the more, we made everyone jaw drop at us. I realized I was the only girl wearing pants and not playing the slutty student on the first day. I looked like I wanted to buy the school with pants, black tie, my ironed button up long sleeve white shirt that was enveloped with my black blazer. I finished up the look with my brand new cute Chanel baby blue bag. I made my make-up natural but definitely fierce by serving them a sharp and dark cat eye winger. I barely added anything to my face because I wanted everyone to see my cute pimple at the side of my face that hurt so much.

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