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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




"You're pregnant." Mother blinked profusely.

"Do you want to kill me?" I asked her.

"Is it André's?" She stepped closer.

I kept quiet for a while before uttering the words. "No." Carina's face instantly went pale. "But fortunately for you, I'm not pregnant. I'm not a stupid little girl." I rolled my eyes. I've been on the shot for a while now so I had nothing to fear.

Kind of.

"What is wrong with you Chloé?!" She shouted at me.

"If Daddy heard you're raising your voice at his precious daughter, he's gonna be really mad so I advice you to keep your voice down." I spoke sluggishly.

"I gave birth to you!"

"Unfortunately." I scoffed at her.

"You're acting really mad tonight. First you left the house without telling anyone! You came back home around three A.M in the morning looking like a psychopath in a dinner gown with crocs! And then, we found you in the living room close to broken pieces of glass after you jugged down half of the vodka."

"A quarter of it because it was too strong for me. And you're forgetting the Baileys, and the other one I can't pronounce." I giggled. "I'm such a fuck up."

"What is wrong with you? I'd expect this behavior from Courtney but not from you."

"Who knows? He would have called me worse things tonight." I blocked out my Mother's scolding.

"Are you even listening to me?!" She was beyond exasperated.

"HE CALLED ME A GOLD DIGGER, MOTHER!" I flared at her. "And you want me to listen to you?!"

"Men always call us things. Have you ever been called a slut by your own Father? NO! So deal with it, Chloé. I didn't raise you to be a crybaby."

"Yeah, you raised me up to be a gold digger." I snickered. I felt like an earthquake was happening in my room.

"Get a grip of yourself." She took a hold of my shoulders and shook my body vigorously. "Besides, have you ever seen a gold digger lack in this life before?" She asked me. "No. A gold digger is someone who would do anything to be successful and reach their goals, while those rotten sanctimonious people stay below at rock bottom. Most of the wives in our circle of people are glorified gold diggers and you would certainly not be the last. But do you see them suffer?"


She heaved a dreadful sigh on my face. "First Lady McCartney was a stripper, did you know that? And not even the ones that made good money. But now she rules the entire California as she drives around Sacramento in her fucking Rolls Royce sprayed in cocaine white. Everyone has forgotten she was a stripper. And if they do mention it, they would face the wrath of our most abled and efficient Governor. Irene's Mother worked as the caretaker of Senator Johnson's Mother before she caught the eyes of our dearest Minister Blake. I was a bloody Waitress in a bar when your Father found me."

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