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Mou Haijun frowned. He did not know this man at all. Why was he suddenly standing by the back door of his car? What was he trying to do? Just as he was thinking, he saw the man open the car door.

Jennie and Rosé were still playing games. Just as they were enjoying themselves, Jennie felt that the collar of her clothes was getting tighter and tighter. It was as if someone was grabbing her throat. Then, she heard Lisa’s cold voice.

“Jennie, get out immediately.”

Lisa was filled with anger. After he said this coldly, he released his grip on Jennie’s clothes. Putting on a murderous look, he wished that he could strangle this little girl right now. How dare she cheat on him?

Jennie coughed and looked at the Furious Lisa guiltily. This devil looked like he was going to kill everyone. Was there a need to be so cruel? Besides, nothing happened. Why did he behave like this?

When Mou Haijun saw how Lisa treated Jennie, he was immediately displeased. How could a man fight with a woman? How could he be so cruel? Mou Haijun felt that his blood boiled. He immediately pointed at Lisa and said angrily, “As a man, you should be gentle to women!”

Lisa looked at Mou Haijun with a pair of cold eyes. The violent aura Lisa emitted made Mou Haijun’s heart tremble uncontrollably. Lisa’s cold look made the air around them chilly. Mou Haijun felt a sense of danger.

Jennie saw that Lisa was about to go berserk. She did not want Lisa to fight with others. She quickly opened her lips and said soundlessly, “Boss Manoban, don’t be angry. I’ll get out right away.”

Jennie cherished her own life. She quickly moved her hips to get out of the car, but her arms could not exert any strength. She could not balance herself. Looking at Lisa hesitantly, she said soundlessly, “Boss Manoban, can you do me a favor?”

Lisa looked at Jennie with a pair of cold eyes. This Little Mute was so annoying. Why didn’t she get out of the car quickly? Why did she say that she needed his help? When Jennie saw the look in Lisa’s eyes, her lips parted quietly and quickly.

“It’s hard for me to get out of the car. Come over and help me.”

Lisa walked to Jennie’s side with a gloomy expression. Seeing Lisa coming over, Jennie smiled slightly. The next second, her eyes widened in surprise and she unconsciously blushed.

Lisa bent down not to help her but to carry her in his arms. His move was completely out of Jennie’s expectations. There was a hint of shyness on Jennie’s face. She wrapped her arms instinctively around Lisa’s neck. She said soundlessly, “Thank you.”

Lisa’s face was cold as he carried Jennie. The two of them were very compatible in terms of looks and temperament. When Rosé saw this scene, she quickly took out her phone to take a picture.

This scene was even more romantic than popular soap operas. They made a perfect couple.

Lisa heard the sound of a camera clicking rapidly and looked coldly at Rosé. Rosé did not notice Lisa’s gaze, nor did she see the hint of anger in Lisa’s eyes.

She happily put away the phone and said, “Haijun, let’s go!”

Mou Haijun ignored her and just closed the car door with a gloomy expression. Not afraid of Lisa’s murderous gaze, he strode towards Lisa and said coldly, “Sir, I promised my grandfather that I would send them back.”

The meaning behind his words was very obvious. He wanted Jennie to go back into the car, and he would not let Jennie follow this man who emitted a cold aura. This man was too dangerous. He had to protect this girl’s safety.

Jennie looked at Mou Haijun who had a cold expression and then looked at Lisa. She was really afraid that the two of them would have a fight because of her. She wanted to say something, but she was afraid that

her unpleasant voice would scare Lisa. She was conflicted.

Lisa did not notice Jennie’s struggle. He only looked coldly at Mou Haijun who was standing in front of him. He put on a murderous look, but for the sake of Little Mute, he forcefully suppressed his anger and said lightly, “We live together.”

This sentence directly explained his relationship with Jennie. It was a forceful declaration of his sovereignty, telling everyone that Jennie belonged to him. No one could touch her!

When Jennie heard this, she wanted to cover her face with her hands due to shyness. Devil Manoban was so direct. Could he be more tactful?.


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