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Chaeryeong had always trusted Hou Shang. She had never thought that Hou Shang would do so many despicable things behind her back. He even cheated her out of her money and spent it on other women. She roared angrily,

“Hou Shang, you are disgusting. I am definitely going to break off the engagement with you!”

Hou Shang was even more shocked when he heard this. He absolutely could not lose Chaeryeong, his ATM. Moreover, Chaeryeong had asked him to return the money; where would he find the money to do so? He grabbed Chaeryeong’s hand in a panic and explained shamelessly,

“Chaeryeong, listen to me. I only love you. Those women were just for fun. Besides, many successful men have a few lovers, as a form of relaxation.”

Chaeryeong was already angry. She was even more furious when she heard this. After returning Jennie’s phone, she took of her shoes and threw them fiercely onto Hou Shang’s face as she said angrily,

“F*ck you! I really can’t take it anymore. Don’t you have any f*cking shame? Get the hell away from me. If I see you again, I’ll beat you to death, you shameless scumbag.”

Hou Shang couldn’t dodge in time and his face was hit by Chaeryeong’s shoes, leaving instant sole marks on his face. Ji-hyang stood up. Although she also didn’t like people like Hou Shang, she still pretended to care and went over to help Hou Shang wipe the dirt off his face. Ji-hyang said softly,

“Brother Hou Shang, let’s go. Chaeryeong is angry now, and she won’t listen to you. In a few days when she calms down, you can explain again. Chaeryeong, don’t be angry. I will explain to you again when you feel better.”

Hou Shang also understood that it was pointless saying more now. It would only embarrass him further. Now that Ji-hyang gave him a way out, he would conveniently take the opportunity to leave. He could persuade Chaeryeong again in a few days.

Chaeryeong felt disgusted when she saw Ji-hyang and Hou Shang, especially Ji-hyang, the two-faced hypocrite. She could still act all innocent at this time. There was already proof in the surveillance footage and she still wanted to quibble. Chaeryeong added coldly,

“Get lost. If you f*cking look for me again, I will break your legs.”

Ji-hyang and Hou Shang left dejectedly. After all, there was no point continuing. They had made a fool of themselves for nothing. After they left, the onlookers also dispersed and Chaeryeong was no longer fierce and forceful. She sobbed,

“Jennie, how many bad things have I done in my previous life to deserve such a man?”

Jennie put the bank card that she snatched earlier into Chaeryeong’s bag and gently patted her shoulder. Chaeryeong was feeling too vulnerable now, so Jennie comforted,

“It’s okay, Chaeryeong. Who hasn’t met scumbags? Just pay more attention in future.”

Chaeryeong wiped her tears. There was no use crying now. If it wasn’t for Jennie, she would have been cheated by this scumbag again today. She had been cheated so many times over the years. At the thought of this, Chaeryeong said angrily,

“Hmph, I will never trust these lowlife men again.”

Selugi, who was standing nearby, was speechless. What did she mean by these lowlife men? She couldn’t just demean all men just because of Hou Shang. He, for one, wouldn’t be so shameless. He looked at Chaeryeong and said,

“Ahem, ahem, Chaeryeong, don’t discount all men just because of one lowlife!”

Chaeryeong looked at Selugi coldly. In her heart, all men were the same. They were all shameless scumbags. None of them were good. She replied fiercely,

“Get lost. I don’t want to care about you lowlife men.”

Selugi’s expression turned ugly. Jennie looked at him sympathetically. Who would have thought that Chaeryeong would vent her anger on him? It was also Selugi’s fault. What would he say such a thing at this time? He was just asking to be scolded. So, she said quickly,

“Selugi, you and Irene leave first. I will comfort Chaeryeong.”

When school was over, Jennie had just arrived at the gates when she saw the rebellious-looking Hou Hao sitting on a red motorcycle wearing a motorcycle outfit, holding a helmet and a large bouquet of roses in his hands. He had a cynical smile on his face as he looked at the bouquet of roses in his hand.

It was as if he was looking at the girl he loved deeply. This scene was like a cartoon character walking out from a comic book.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now