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It was precisely because of this thought that everyone consciously stepped back and made way for Lisa as he passed by. Even though these were all young masters from rich families, they were now like loyal guards, watching their handsome king go to their queen.

Lisa passed through the crowd with ease and came before Jennie. In his hands were roses from an unknown young master. Jennie’s heart pounded wildly as she watched Lisa walk over. It was as if she had taken the wrong medicine that made her heart go crazy.

Under everyone’s gaze, Lisa placed the roses in Jennie’s hands. He did not give Jennie a chance to reject him.

He wanted everyone to see that this woman belonged to him and him alone. No one should have any wishful thinking that they could poach her from him. Lisa said calmly,“Madam, you’ve done well. I’m very proud.”

Jennie was stunned when she heard this. What was wrong with this demon king? Why did he suddenly say something like this?

What did he mean? Besides, wasn’t this a skill that any girl should have? Jennie could not figure it out, so she looked at Lisa with a puzzled expression.

However, the crowd below stage was instantly drenched in cold water. F*ck, this girl belonged to this man, and she was his wife. Didn’t that mean that the two of them were already married? When the crowd thought of this, their faces were instantly filled with disappointment. Some even commented painfully,

“God, why is this happening?”

“It’s not easy to meet such a perfect woman. But she turns out to be taken, and is even f*cking married.”

“It doesn’t matter even if she’s married. Aren’t there divorces? As long as one is sincere, one can still pursue her boldly. Aren’t goals scored despite the goalkeeper?”

“That’s right. There is no un-poachable person in this world. There are only people who don’t poach hard.”

Felix stood below stage and became anxious as he heard these. How could this be? Madam can only be our chairman’s.

These men all have extraordinary statuses. What if Madam likes one of them? At the thought of this, Felix shouted loudly,

“It’s immoral to destroy other people’s families.”

Merlin’s expression turned uglier as she heard this. She was already vomiting blood in her heart. The reason why she invited Jennie up was to make her lose face.

But in the end, not only did Jennie not lose face, she made everyone idolize her. This was a tight slap on Merlin’s face and she must find a way to regain face.

Lisa looked at Jennie’s confused but cute face, and his cold heart melted. He had never been a fan of physical contact but he subconsciously lifted Jennie’s chin, smiled and kissed her lips lightly. He then said calmly,

“My dear wife, you are more beautiful than these flowers.”

Jennie’s face flushed as she heard this before she could recover from the kiss. She lowered her head, too shy to look at Lisa. It was one thing to praise her in front of so many people, but the kiss… She was too embarrassed to look up.

When the audience saw the sweet interaction between Jennie and Lisa, their hearts shattered. Everyone held their chests in pain and despair.

They had thought that if they worked hard, they might still have a chance, but this beautiful girl’s relationship with her husband was too f*cking good.

Moreover, they felt that the couple was well-matched, and no poaching was possible. That man was simply too handsome.

Among everyone present, no one could be more handsome than him, and no one would dare to claim that they are more powerful than him.

This person was the internationally renowned Chairman Manoban. Even if they were reincarnated, they would not dare to be compared to this man, let alone poaching his woman in this lifetime.

When Merlin saw how loving Lisa and Jennie were, she gritted her teeth, eyes filled with fury.

But, no matter what, Merlin lost. Jennie’s singing was too perfect. There were no mistakes and it was a cappella.

There was no comparison. Merlin did not want to see the two of them like this again, so she stepped forward and interrupted them with her eyes and pretended to say calmly,

“Everyone, as you’ve seen and heard, I lost the competition just now. I didn’t expect Miss Jennie to be so talented. She is my idol. I’ve underestimated you and I’m very sorry.”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now