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Then, Felix quickly turned around to see if Madam and the chairman were hurt. But the scene that greeted him made him speechless. The two of them were hugging and kissing each other! They f*cking didn't consider his bachelor feelings and forced him to watch them being all lovey-dovey!

When Jennie heard Felix's voice, her face turned even redder. Damn it, someone has seen her at such an embarrassing moment. She really didn't throw herself into his arms, it was the brakes! She quickly got up and explained,

"Boss, I didn't do it on purpose, really!"

Lisa suppressed the impulse in his heart and acknowledged her quietly. This girl had to explain herself? Did she not want anything to happen between them? Besides, was he really that scary? It shouldn't be that bad, right?

Jennie quickly got out of Lisa's embrace. They were in such a compromising position and Felix was in the car. They couldn't be like that. So she held the car door open and said,

"Alright, let's get out of the car!"

Jennie was about to get out of the car to dissolve this awkwardness, but Lisa suddenly hugged her. He had already been aroused and must wait for his desire to subside before getting out of the car.

"Wait for a while, then we'll get out."

When Jennie heard this, she first looked at Lisa in surprise and soon realized what was wrong with him. Her face turned even redder. How could this devil be so lecherous? She said quickly,

"Well, I'd better get out first. That way, you can recover faster."

She wanted to run away as she said this, but she was not as quick as Lisa. Lisa hugged Jennie and leaned on her, his face full of enjoyment as if he was having a beautiful dream.

"There's no need."

Dozens of minutes later, the two of them got out of the car. Lisa became his usual cold self again as he sat at the dining table expressionlessly. He was as aloof as an emperor, and he was also elegant. He looked nothing like just now when he was in the car.

Jennie wanted to be aloof as well and become an empress or something, but there were too many delicacies on the table. She could not control herself and instantly became a glutton, launching crazy attacks on the delicacies.

Lisa usually watched what he ate but when he saw Jennie's way of eating, his appetite improved. Whenever he's with the foodie Jennie, he would always eat more than usual, be it dishes or rice.

He couldn't help but smile when he saw Jennie eating seriously across the table. When he saw Jennie happily eating her favorite crayfish, a dish he didn't like, he asked,

"Are these dishes good?"

Jennie did not think too much about it. She picked up a crayfish, peeled it in no time, dipped the meat in gravy and put it into Lisa's mouth, not caring if Lisa liked crayfish. She said happily,

"This is really delicious. Try It."

Lisa chewed the crayfish in his mouth helplessly. He did not want to eat it at all. He just wanted to ask the girl how the food tasted... Usually, he would only eat light dishes, but now that he was fed such an oily and spicy dish like this crayfish, he almost spat it out.

Jennie, on the other hand, looked at Lisa with anticipation. After all, good food tasted better when they were shared. Enjoying it alone will never beat two people enjoying it together. She asked expectantly,

"How is it? How is it? Is it especially delicious? The texture is also superb!"

Lisa was speechless. How was it? It was oily and spicy, and he felt like vomiting. But, when he saw Jennie's expectant face, he could not really spit it out. After all, she had peeled the crayfish and fed it to him. He could only pretend that it was delicious and nodded.

He quickly chewed and then swallowed it. Because it was so spicy, sweat broke out on his forehead. Jennie was very happy and thought that the devil liked crayfish too. She peeled a few more and fed one to Lisa and said happily,

"You like it too, right? Then, have more."

Lisa looked at the crayfish that Jennie fed him with mixed feelings. He really did not know what to say. If he said that it was not delicious and that he did not like it, would she be very disappointed? But if he ate it, then he would be suffering!


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now