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Merlin thought someone like Jennie must be somewhat self-conscious to be able to be with Lisa. Moreover, she would definitely find it hard to resist all these delicacies. After all, an ordinary girl couldn’t afford these delicacies. Merlin was waiting eagerly for Jennie to turn around and leave. Lisa thought for a moment and asked Jennie,

“Are you bored?”

From what he knew, this little girl’s had a very high IQ level. She would neither be confused of the topics nor feel bored. She might even come up with a better suggestion at the critical moment.

Jennie quickly shook her head. Wouldn’t this foreign woman be too upfront? She was trying to poach Lisa in front of Jennie. Did she mistake Jennie for a weak person? Lisa saw the smile on Jennie’s face and caressed her hair lovingly. “Do you want to eat something?”

Jennie looked at Lisa and then at the foreign woman. She frowned and hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. Although she actually wanted to eat, she would never leave now that someone was trying to poach.

Lisa could tell that Jennie wanted to eat too, but he was afraid that he couldn’t resist this foreign woman. After all, this little girl cared about him a lot. He smirked and ordered,

“Felix, go and get Madam her favorite food.”

Felix stood there in confusion. What should he do? How would he know what was Madam’s favorite food? But if he disobeyed this order in public, wouldn’t the Chairman punish him badly later? With that, he said obediently,

“Yes, Chairman.”

Then, Felix turned around and walked towards the food corner. He could not show his frustration. Merlin held the wine glass, feeling jealous. Lisa loved this little girl so much, that was out of her expectation. With a smile on her face, she said, “Chairman Manoban, you really love this girl.” Tsk, what was so good about this girl besides her appearance? Apart from being a mute, she also had a dark history. She was not a decent girl at all, how could she be together with Chairman Manoban?

Hearing that, Lisa looked at Jennie’s smiling face. He looked at her with deep affection and love that was hardly seen in his eyes. He had unknowingly become more and more fond of this girl. He answered,

“Because she is my wife.”

Merlin saw his love from Lisa’s eyes. Her heart was filled with jealousy. She picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Then, she looked at Lisa with anticipation as she asked, “Chairman Manoban, will you love any woman who becomes your wife?” If that was the case, she would have to become Madam Manoban. Then, she would enjoy his love and care all by herself. It was the only one in the world. Who would not want it?

Felix came forward with two plates of food. Lisa took the plate from Felix and passed it to Jennie as soon as he saw it. He was insistent to feed his women himself, no one else could ever do it.

Jennie saw the various delicacies on the plate and immediately turned into a foodie. She was totally immersed by the food. She reached out to the pastries and was about to eat them. At that moment, Lisa pushed Jennie’s hand away. He had a serious mysophobia, so he said, “You can’t eat them.”

Jennie looked at Lisa unhappily. What was this devil up to again? Couldn’t she eat anything that Felix brought over? Felix shouldn’t have done anything to them, right? Lisa did not care about what Jennie thought. He picked up the cutlery at the side and gave the pastries to Jennie.

“You can eat it now. It was a little dirty when you used your hands just now.”

Jennie gobbled the dessert angrily. This devil was really obsessed about cleanliness. Had he not heard of the saying, “there’s no harm in eating dirty food”? Delicious pastries would be delicious no matter how one ate them!

Lisa saw the crumbs on the corner of Jennie’s mouth. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it. He was so gentle as if he was wiping some treasure. His eyes were filled with tenderness and love.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now