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Lisa's eyes were cold, and his aura was becoming colder. The inside of the car felt like an ice cellar; so cold that it was terrifying. This girl actually asked him not to be like this? But what has she done? Why would he be like this if not because of her? He said coldly,

"I wouldn't be violent if you haven't done anything stupid."

Jennie was stunned when she heard this. She didn't do anything. Was there something wrong with the devil himself? What kind of humiliation had he suffered? Why would he become so violent? Who's the culprit who provoked the devil and then mired her? Jennie replied unhappily,

"When have I done anything stupid? I've always been a smart person, okay?"

Lisa lifted Jennie's chin with his hand and looked at her mischievously. How could this girl say such shameless things? She actually said that she was a smart person? If she was really smart, she wouldn't have angered him so often. He asked plainly

"Are you really that smart?"

Jennie nodded without hesitation. Did he have to ask? Whether she was smart or not, they would find out in two days. Her face was filled with confidence. Everything would be clear when the results were out. There was no need to explain anything at all. She said confidently to Lisa,

"That's right, I'm really smart."

Lisa snorted when he heard this. This girl was obviously very stupid, yet she kept saying that she was smart. She really had no self-awareness. Lisa closed in on Jennie, the corners of his mouth curling up slightly. He said with a hint of anger on his face,

"If you're really smart, you should know that as my woman, there are certain things you shouldn't do."

Jennie was in a daze as she looked at the angry Lisa. She was puzzled. What was wrong with Devil Manoban? Even if someone else made him angry, he shouldn't treat her like this. Moreover, she was so good today and had been in school the whole time. She didn't go out anymore... So, she asked in confusion,

"Um, boss, did I do something to make you angry?"

Lisa looked at the confused Jennie and the anger in his eyes grew. This girl did not even know what she had done? How dare she ask him what was going on? What a stupid girl. It was a miracle that she survived until now. He replied angrily,

"Didn't you?"

Jennie blinked and looked at Lisa innocently when she heard this. She thought hard but couldn't remember doing anything to provoke the devil today. It couldn't be that Seulgi had complained, right? But there was nothing to complain about! She said innocently,

"Did I?"

Jennie had obviously not done anything, but the devil acted as if she had cheated on him! Jennie had been very well-behaved in school today. Even when it came to contact with boys, she had only come into contact with Seulgi who's their eldest nephew!

Hearing Jennie's innocent question, Lisa was so angry that he wanted to kill her on the spot but he couldn't bear to do so. Did this damn girl not even know what she had done? And she's behaving so righteously... He whispered in Jennie's ear,

"You really don't know, or are you playing dumb here? Don't provoke me or you'll regret it, understand?"

Jennie felt the demon king's threat and knew that as a warning. She wanted to cry but had no tears. She didn't know what she had done wrong to make Devil Manoban so angry. She looked at Lisa in panic and said helplessly,

"De, Devil Manoban... No. Boss, can you give me more details, please?"

When Lisa heard this, he raised Jennie's chin and looked at her coldly. This damn girl, why was he so obsessed with her? If it was anyone else, they would have died a million times over by now instead of talking to him like this here. Lisa looked at Jennie and said domineeringly,

"You're mine. Every part of your body is mine."

Jennie was still confused when she heard this. What did the devil mean by this? Was it because he did not want to tell her what she had done to make him so angry?


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now