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Seulgi sat down quietly when he heard Jennie's words. After all, Sister Kim had asked him not to make a move, and he couldn't go against her words. Jennie nodded in satisfaction when she saw Seulgi sit down. In any case, these people would feel more pain when they were slapped in their faces soon. She said to Seulgi indifferently,

"That's right. We are all civilized people, and we live in a legal and just society. We can't just beat people up. Do you understand?"

Seulgi felt very helpless when he heard this. They didn't live in a civilized society at all. Jennie's tolerance would only encourage those people to be more outrageous. It would be better to teach them a lesson quickly so they would do no such things in future. He replied unhappily,

"Sister Kim, do you not understand the era we live in? Clearly, those who can act would try not to speak. Only when people are beaten will they be absolutely convinced."

Jennie was unhappy when she heard this. Why was this guy so troublesome? He only knew how to speak with his fists. He was strong but simple-minded. Sooner or later, he would suffer a great loss. She had to teach her nephew a lesson.

"How can that be? Fighting is illegal. What you're doing is wrong."

Seulgi was speechless. What kind of joke was this? If he didn't fight, how could he become the school bully? He couldn't have just convinced everyone with his words, could he? Or was it because he was too hard to beat up? Shouldn't school bullies be able to do anything they wanted and make everyone afraid? How could he not fight?

After school, Jennie bumped into Rosé at the school gate. They hadn't seen each other for a while. Jennie waved at Rosé happily. She was going to cherish this person who was her only true friend in her previous life. Jennie called out,


Rosé hadn't completely recovered from the previous incident, so she was still a little angry with Jennie. After all, no one would forgive someone quickly if they had been hurt badly. When Rosé turned and saw that it was Jennie, her face was expressionless as she said plainly,

"What's the matter?"

Her cold tone made Jennie's smile disappear. Although Jennie knew that Rosé was still angry, she didn't expect her to be so cold. Jennie thought that she hadn't done anything recently to upset Rosé so she asked awkwardly,

"Rosie, aren't we friends?"

Rosé's eyes flashed with anger when she heard this. Friends? Would a friend treat her like this? It was Jennie who said they were no longer friends, not Rosé. How could they reconcile so easily? She looked at Jennie coldly and said,

"We were indeed friends in the past, but not anymore."

Jennie looked helpless. It wasn't like this a few days ago. Rosé's attitude towards her had improved. Why was she like this now? Jennie frowned. She tried to search her mind for any mistakes she had made recently, but she couldn't find the slightest clue.

Rosé looked at her watch and looked impatient. She didn't know what Jennie wanted and she had her own things to do. She wasn't going to forgive Jennie easily anyway and she had no intention of being friendly with her. She continued coldly,

"It's a little late. I still have things to do."

Rosé turned and left without giving Jennie any chance to explain. Jennie became even more anxious. What happened to cause this? She quickly chased after Rosé to find out what was going on. She walked beside Rosé and asked with a puzzled face,

"Rosie, what's wrong? Did I make you angry again? If I did something wrong, just tell me and I'll change, okay?"

Lisa, who had come to pick Jennie up, had just gotten out of the car when he heard this. His eyes turned cold. What was wrong with this girl? Felix, who was at the side, also heard Jennie's words before he muttered in disbelief.

"God, what did I hear? Madam's words sounded like the words of a scumbag. Could Madam be into lesbianism?"

Lisa's face darkened when he heard Jennie's words. He then walked quickly towards Jennie, like a grim reaper from hell.


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