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Jennie was going to thank the devil properly but she did not expect him to kiss her. Her eyes widened as she looked at his face that was inches away from hers. She could not react in time. Everything had happened too suddenly and too quickly, and Jennie was not prepared at all.

Lisa looked at Jennie's widened eyes and chuckled. This silly girl, why were her eyes wide open? Kissing on TV was usually done with eyes closed. He raised his hand to cover Jennie's eyes. Proper kissing should be done with eyes closed. He said calmly,

"Girl, don't you know that proper kissing should be done with eyes closed?"

Lisa's cold voice rang in Jennie's ears. Then, she felt the warmth on her red lips. It was a little cold, but with a hint of warmth. He kissed her carefully but before she could feel Lisa's affection, he let go of her.

The kiss just now was just a light and quick one. Jennie was very curious. Usually, the devil was not like this. She looked at the serious Lisa with a complicated expression. She really wanted to ask him what was going on, but she couldn't find the courage. After all, she was a girl. If she asked, it would seem like she wanted Lisa to kiss her a little longer.

The atmosphere in the car was quiet. Lisa's expression was a little cold. He noticed just now that there seemed to be a car following them. It felt like something dangerous was about to happen and he had to caution Jennie. He said coldly as he looked at Jennie,

"Girl, no matter what happens later, you must stay in the car. You absolutely cannot get out of the car, understand?"

The sky had already turned completely dark, and they were on a lonely highway. If the car behind them wanted to do something to them, they would probably be itching to do so now as this was the safest place.

Jennie was confused when she heard Lisa's words. They had not reached home yet, so what could happen? Besides, she's not be stupid enough to get out of the car here. It was already so dark, and they were on a lonely highway. However, she felt a little uneasy and asked,

"What's wrong? What do you mean I can't get out of the car?"

Jennie had just finished speaking and before Lisa could answer, ear-piercing gunshots sounded. The bullets hit their customized car and sparks flew. Jennie heard the gunshots and then saw the flying bullets. She asked Lisa in surprise,

"Boss, is someone trying to kill you again?"

Lisa did not know what was going on. After all, there were too many people who wanted him dead. But he had not heard anything recently that someone had sent assassins after him. He opened a secret compartment in the car and took out the parts inside as said coldly,


Lisa's hands quickly assembled the parts into a pistol with a silencer. Although it was a pistol, Jennie knew the firing speed and range of this pistol was incomparable to ordinary pistols because this pistol was designed by her godfather when she was young. It was just that this pistol was released relatively late.

Lisa finished assembling the pistol very quickly and loaded it. His body was suffused with a cold and murderous aura. He looked at the assassins outside like a devil from hell. The temperature in the car instantly dropped to freezing point as he ordered Felix,

"Stop the car now."

When Felix heard this, his expression was slightly solemn. The assassins must have come prepared, and they seemed to be heavily armed. If he just stopped the car, it was very likely that something bad would happen, but since the chairman had asked, he must follow orders. Felix stopped the car immediately.

Jennie quickly pulled Lisa back. Her face was full of worry. She did not understand why she and Lisa had been in so much danger recently. She hadn't been able to predict the dangers in the future. Has she lost that ability? Otherwise, how could she not know? Unless what they were facing now wasn't too much of a danger.

However, the gunshots outside made her really afraid that Lisa would get hurt if he got out of the car. After all, the other party would be prepared if they dared to come...


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