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Jennie's face darkened when she heard Lisa's words. What was the devil thinking? Did he think that he's a doctor? What about opening her mouth to let him take a look? What did he know? If he knew, she wouldn't be unable to speak right now. She mouthed in annoyance,

"What do you want to see? Are you a doctor?"

Lisa shook his head. Even though he was very smart, he could not possibly know everything, especially when it came to medicine. It was not something that one could learn casually. It would take a long time for someone to understand it. He looked at Jennie worriedly as he said,

"I'm not a doctor."

Jennie shrugged helplessly when she heard this. Of course, she knew that he was not a doctor, or else she would not be like this. Now that she could not speak anymore, she would not get better if the devil just looked at her. Moreover, it's very strange that she suddenly couldn't speak. She continued helplessly,

"Then what do you want to see? It's useless even if you look!"

When Lisa heard this, he suddenly realized that this was a waste of time. Instead of him looking at her here, he should hurry to the hospital to find out what was wrong with his girl, why she suddenly could not speak anymore. How could he harm her? He quickly ordered Felix,

"Felix, go to the hospital now. Hurry up."

Jennie quickly shook her head when she heard this. She didn't think that someone had drugged her. Perhaps it was because her voice had just recovered, she had no rest all afternoon and had spoken so much that she lost her voice. There was no need to go through so much trouble at the hospital. She explained to Lisa gratefully,

"There's no need to go to the hospital. Perhaps it's because my voice had just recovered but I had overworked it today. I'll just rest for a while and take a few courses of traditional Chinese medicine."

Lisa sighed in relief when he heard this. He thought that there was something wrong with the little girl but she seemed fine. However, when he thought about what Jennie had gone through today, it was all because he hadn't appeared quickly. There was a hint of apology in his eyes as he looked at Jennie with a frown.

"I'm sorry. I didn't protect you well."

Jennie had already proven that she didn't cheat at the principal's office. He should not have let Jennie answer endless questions from the students all afternoon that she lost her voice. Even though she would recover after some rest, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. After all, Jennie was his woman.

Jennie smiled when she saw Lisa's guilty look. This wasn't the demon king's fault. After all, her past academic results were terrible. It was expected that no one would believe her when she suddenly got full marks, like a miracle. She mouthed,

"Alright, you don't have to apologize to me. You've already done a lot today. If you hadn't appeared in time, I wouldn't have been able to explain myself even if I jumped into the Yellow River. Also, I would have become a super 'millionaire', and I would have been slapped in the face. I should be thanking you."

Lisa was stunned when he read Jennie's words. What was this girl thinking? She was about to lose, and she was still a millionaire? If that happened, she might not even have money to eat. Luckily that didn't happen. He looked at Jennie in confusion and asked calmly,

"You silly girl, if you lost, how can you be a millionaire?"

Jennie was stunned when she heard this. It turned out that the devil did not catch her meaning at all. She could not help but smile. Her "millionaire" was one with negative assets and not what the devil thought. How could such a smart devil not get it? She patiently explained to Lisa,

"The 'millionaire' I meant was one with negative assets. If I don't get first place, I'll be heavily in debt and it'll be hard for me to turn things around in my lifetime."

Jennie looked at Lisa as she said this, and her heart was filled with warmth. If Lisa did not appear in time today, she would be thrown out of school as someone who cheated in their exams. She would have to pay her losses and be forced to kneel before Jisoo and call him "dad". She raised her head and mouthed to Lisa,

"But thank God I have you."

When Lisa saw Jennie's blissful expression when she said this, his heart was filled with warmth too. This was the feeling of being acknowledged by his woman. His heartbeat subconsciously quickened as he looked at the tender Jennie. Without thinking, he lifted her chin and kissed her.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now