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"Boss, you didn't ask for money for the songs you gave me last time. Let's include those and profit share, 50/50!"

Jennie immediately regretted her earlier thoughts when she saw this. She shouldn't have thought that about him just now. He was generous. He even remembered that he didn't pay for the earlier songs but she couldn't be too greedy and take so much at one go. What if this jeopardized future collaborations? Besides, this guy's ability to attract money was top-notch, so she replied,

"50/50, isn't that too much? How about 30/70? I'll take 30 and you 70."

At the other end, Nangong Zhenlong read Jennie's reply and felt warmth in his heart. This sister was indeed different. If it were anyone else, they would probably make him pay for the previous songs right away and it would not be for just a small amount. He wrote back quickly,

"Boss, let's split it 50/50. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

When Jennie saw this, her impression of Nangong Zhenlong rose significantly. He was indeed a sensible boy but she couldn't take advantage of his gratitude to make money for herself, which would be immoral. So, she replied,

"It's nothing. It's mainly because of your solid foundation. Let's do 30/70. What style of music would you like this time around?"

Nangong Zhenlong didn't want to argue anymore when he saw this. In any case, he would give half the profits to Jennie. After all, there would be no Nangong Zhenlong in this world without her songs. He replied,

"Boss, I'll let you decide. Whatever you write will be of high quality. My manager is calling me now. Please call me when you're done. My phone number is 155009999999. Boss, I must go now."

Jennie quickly replied with a goodbye. She felt a little embarrassed to get half the profits from working with such a big celebrity. After all, she had only written a few songs. But it would not be nice to refuse since he insisted. She would just write a few more songs to make up for it.

Once she made up her mind, Jennie started to think about what songs to write. She was so engrossed that she didn't notice even when Lisa returned. She was still thinking about those songs. She wanted to quickly write them so she could earn money quickly and stop looking poor all the time.

Lisa sat on the bed and pulled Jennie into his embrace. Jennie was pulled hard into Lisa's chest and got a whiff of his familiar fragrance. Jennie's face instantly turned red, and she could not help but lower her head as he pushed him away.

"Let go of me first. I'm not used to being hugged like this."

Lisa frowned when he heard Jennie's words. What did she mean by not used to being hugged like this? They had been hugging for so long, and it had always been him carrying her in his arms. They held each other every time they went out but she's saying this now. He looked coldly at Jennie and said calmly, "You'll get used to it."

When Jennie heard Lisa's words, her face filled with frustration. What did he mean by her getting used to it? Must he be so overbearing? She had already said no but he still forcefully hugged her. Was this considered going against a woman's will and she could all the police? Although it wasn't too bad to be hugged by such a handsome man... But Jennie insisted,

"I can't think when you hug me like this."

Of course, Jennie could not think anymore. Her mind was filled with Lisa's handsome face. How could she think of any music or lyrics? If it were not for her efforts to restrain herself, she would probably have already thrown Devil Manoban onto the bed and done those nasty things. She couldn't help it, Devil Manoban was just so tempting.

Lisa took in Jennie's faint fragrance, restrained his desire and suppressed the urge to do the nasty with Jennie. He looked at Jennie's serious expression and wondered what this girl was thinking. He said to her with a cold face,

"It's time to sleep. There's no need to think anymore."

Jennie's face filled with frustration when she heard this. She pushed hard at Lisa's chest, trying to break free from his embrace, but no matter what she did, Devil Manoban did not budge. He was too strong so she gave up and said calmly,

"I'm not sleeping yet and I have some things to think about."


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now