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Jennie heard Lisa's words and looked at the pills in her hand. It seemed to be a little too much. It might be difficult to swallow if he ate them all at once. She quickly divided them into smaller portions and brought a portion to Lisa's mouth. It should not be too difficult to swallow them this time around. She coaxed him like a child,

"Good boy, this is much better. Now, take these."

Then, she picked up a cup from the table which had warm water that Felix poured earlier. It would be easier to swallow the pills with some water. Lisa looked at the pills brought to his mouth with a look of disgust. His face showed clear resistance; he did not want to take any medicine. He replied rather childishly,

"Can I not take them?"

Jennie could not help but laugh when she saw Lisa like this. The demon king was actually afraid of taking medicine, like a child. Wouldn't he cry if he had to drink traditional Chinese medicine? No matter what, he must take his medicine today. She said calmly,

"Boss, you're a grown man. You can't be afraid of taking medicine, right?"

A little anger surged in Lisa's eyes when he heard this. He must not embarrass himself in front of Jennie. It was just taking medicine. What was there to be afraid of? It was just that he did not like to take medicine. When he saw Jennie's smile, he opened his mouth and ate the pills in Jennie's hand.

However, he took them too quickly and choked. His face turned red. When Jennie saw this, she quickly handed him the water. It's too funny that Lisa, being a grown man, took his pills like a child. Jennie patted Lisa's back and said softly,

"Alright, quickly drink some water!"

Lisa took the water from Jennie's hand and drank a few mouthfuls. He swallowed all the pills in his mouth and his expression turned a little better. He frowned. Medicine indeed tasted terrible. He wished that he didn't have to take them, ever. He grumbled softly,

"This medicine is really bitter."

Jennie's heart melted when she saw Lisa like this. Even the devil had such a cute side; he was so adorable. She wanted to hug and comfort him. As she thought about it, she did not know what came over her and she kissed Lisa.

"Alright, one kiss and it won't be bitter anymore."

Jennie did not know why she was so impulsive when she kissed him. Her face turned red and she wanted to give herself two tight slaps. Why was her brain messed up again? How dare she tease the devil? Lisa looked at Jennie in surprise. This girl took the initiative to kiss him just now. His heartbeat quickened as he asked Jennie,

"Are there more pills?"

Jennie was stunned when she heard this. What more pills? Didn't he already take them all? Could he have other illnesses? Probably not. If there was, Felix would have told her. Then, what pills did the devil still want? She looked at Lisa with a puzzled expression and said,

"You've taken them all. What else do you want?"

Lisa regretted his decision. He should not have taken all the pills so quickly. If he had known, he would have taken them one by one. The girl would have kissed him a few more times. He looked at the medicine on the table and said seriously to Jennie,

"Then, I'll take the medicine for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!"

Jennie was speechless. What was going on? How could he take three days of medicine at one go? He was so resistant before, but now he's enthusiastic? Besides, the medicine was not supposed to be taken like this. She had to follow the doctor's instructions and take the right dosage at the right time. She replied sternly,

"That won't do. You must follow the doctor's instructions and take them in the right dosage at the right time. You can't just take them whenever you like."

Lisa looked at Jennie regretfully. If he had known that taking medicine would be such a pleasant experience, he would have taken them slowly instead of swallowing everything so quickly. He could only nod now. He then pretended as if nothing had happened and said,

"Then, tomorrow, you will come and feed me my medicine."

Jennie's face darkened when she heard this. What the hell was this? Today, it was because she unknowingly triggered the devil's stomach problems causing him pain. That was why she fed him his medicine. Why would she still feed him tomorrow? He was not a child. She quickly pretended to be angry and replied,

"What? You're already so old, why do you need someone else to feed you your medicine?"


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now