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Seulgi shut his mouth and stood at the side helplessly after hearing Jennie's words. He listened to no one except Jennie. In any case, he would protect her if there was any danger later.

The principal was initially afraid that Seulgi would attack them. After all, this little brat was no ordinary person. But when he saw Seulgi obeyed Jennie, his confidence grew. He was no longer afraid when he sneered,

"Jennie, you should know that you got full marks. You're number one in the entire school, right?"

The crowd eavesdropping outside the door were instantly shocked when they heard this. Their hearts almost jumped out of their throats. F*ck, Jennie actually got first place? And with full marks? Didn't that mean that they would all have to pay Jennie a lot of money?

Everyone panicked. Weren't they doomed? They thought they would make money off Jennie, but it turned out that they would be paying her instead. When they thought about how much money they would lose and basically had to eat dirt in future, they all felt a little sad. Meanwhile, the few people in the principal's office were still talking.

Jennie looked at the principal coldly. She saw traces of ridicule and disdain on his face. Her results were completely within her expectations so why wouldn't they announce it? She said coldly,

"I know. Didn't I already say that I would be number one in the entire school?"

The principal smirked when he heard this. Number one in the entire school? Did she not know how she became number one? Since she had to ask, he would tell her. The principal snorted and said,

"Jennie, ever since you enrolled at this school, you've always gotten zero marks. What makes you think that you can get first place in the entire school?"

Jennie's face turned even colder when she heard this. Someone must have said something to cause this to happen. All the zero marks she had scored before were pretense. Jennie replied confidently,

"Of course, because I'm capable."

The principal thought that he had just heard the biggest joke. He smirked and looked at Jennie with disdain. How shameless for this piece of trash to say something like that! He immediately mocked her,

"You have the nerve to say that? What kind of bullsh*t capabilities do you think you have? Plagiarism?"

When the crowd outside heard this, their fear subsided. How else would this piece of trash score full marks? Plagiarism, of course. That made sense.

Jennie banged the table angrily and stood up. She had been slandered! Why would she need to plagiarize for such simple papers? Were they looking down on her? She glared at the principal and said coldly,

"Principal, as the principal, you can't speak carelessly. Did you see me plagiarize? Which other student at school had better results than mine? You're saying I plagiarized?"

The principal was furious when he saw this girl brazenly banged the table. This good-for-nothing still didn't want to admit it. Unless it was God who took the exams for her, there was no way that Jennie could get full marks. He replied coldly,

"Jennie, there is no one with results better than yours but does that prove that you didn't plagiarize? With your bullsh*t academic results, if you didn't plagiarize, you must have cheated!"

Jennie was furious when she saw the principal's behavior. She clearly didn't do anything but he kept slandering her. A killer stare appeared in her eyes but she narrowed her eyes to hide it as she replied,

"Principal, I'm telling you formally that I didn't plagiarize, and I didn't cheat. Please don't slander me."

Hearing Jennie's words, the principal sneered disdainfully. If such a piece of trash could get such good results, then there would be no student with worse results in the entire school. He said angrily to Jennie,

"Jennie, how could you piece of trash not feel any remorse after doing something wrong? Cheating is cheating. Why don't you admit it? Don't tell me you are acting so shamelessly because you don't want to be expelled from school?"

Jennie was even more furious when she heard this. She clearly didn't do it. How could they accuse her of cheating? Today's matter had to be clarified. There's no way she would let it go. She replied through gritted teeth,

"Principal, I'll say it one more time. I didn't plagiarize and I didn't cheat. Don't slander me again."

The principal sneered at Jennie. This piece of trash still refused to admit it. Was she not afraid of the consequences? It was not that he did not want to give Chairman Manoban any face today, no one would stop this piece of trash if she wanted to die today.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now