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Ouyang Rui carried Ji-hyang as he looked at Jennie coldly. He couldn't understand how such a gentle and kind goddess like Ji-hyang could have a sister like Jennie. How could there be such a huge difference? They grew up together, but why were they so different? He said coldly,

"Jennie, you're so vicious. The more you act like this, the less people will like you!"

The commotion attracted more and more spectators. After all, news spread like wildfire in school. When the gathering crowd heard Ouyang Rui mock Jennie, they all laughed evilly. Some even joined in the mocking.

"Ouyang Rui didn't like Jennie in the past because she was ugly. But now, Jennie is much better looking than Ji-hyang. Yet, Ouyang Rui still doesn't like her. It can only be because she's such a loser."

"Hmph, what's the use of being good looking? She scored zero marks in all the subjects. She's just a pretty face without substance. Look at Ji-hyang, good looks, good grades... Any human would know who they'd pick, right?"

Selugi saw the gathering crowd and walked over curiously, hoping to find out what was happening. As soon as he arrived, he heard Ouyang Rui's insult to Jennie and was instantly furious. F*ck, there was still someone in this school who dared to bully his Sister Su? He immediately rushed in and shouted at Ouyang Rui,

"You're f*cking the most vicious. Your entire family is vicious. Ouyang Rui, are you f*cking blind that you took a fancy to that two-faced hypocrite? I don't even care about that. How dare you f*cking insult my goddess?"

Ouyang Rui looked at Selugi in disbelief. What? His goddess? Was he talking about Ji-hyang? Selugi liked Ji-hyang very much in the past. He would do anything she said. But why was he suddenly angry at him today? Ouyang Rui asked doubtfully,

"You mean, she's your goddess?"

Selugi saw Ouyang Rui's confused expression and mocking stares from the crowd. They were all here to see Jennie become a joke. How could Selugi tolerate this? He was the school bully. How could he let others bully his goddess? He shouted at the crowd,

"Yes, Jennie is my goddess. Let me tell you, Jennie, my Sister Su, is my idol. All of you, be f*cking careful and taking good care of my goddess."

Everyone was speechless when they heard this. What f*cking take good care of her? Why would everyone take good care of her? They were only afraid of Selugi. Otherwise, they would mock Jennie all the time! Selugi was still annoyed when he saw everyone's shocked expressions. He continued to shout domineeringly,

"Listen up, if I find out that any of you are secretly bullying my goddess or speaking ill of her, clean your f*cking necks and wait for me. I will show you what it means to be afraid!"

Everyone looked at Jennie in confusion. They didn't know how she was so lucky to have caught the eye of the school bully, Selugi, who's so protective of her. Ji-hyang, who was in Ouyang Rui's arms, also felt very jealous.

Ouyang Rui looked at Jennie in disbelief. He was a little unhappy. This woman he rejected was admired by someone so much more outstanding than him. He felt a little indignant and wronged. This woman was clearly his, and now she was being protected by someone else? This was too f*cking ridiculous.

Shouldn't everyone hate a piece of trash like Jennie and even bully her? Goodness knew what went wrong with Selugi's brain that he liked Jennie so much! Jennie also felt the unfriendly stares from the crowd. She secretly kicked Selugi and said,

"Don't talk nonsense."

No matter what, Selugi was the "prom king", the most attractive boy in school, and the school bully. Many girls liked Selugi but they didn't dare to tell him. At the last "prom king" vote, Selugi warned that no one should vote for him, and no one dared to vote for him.

Selugi had a fierce look just now, but after hearing Jennie's words, he became like a lapdog. As if he had always been Jennie's lackey, constantly afraid that she might be unhappy... He got close to Jennie and explained in a low voice,

"Sister, don't think too much. I only like you as a friend."


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