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Lisa did not care what Jennie thought. He carried Jennie into the bathroom and put her in the bathtub.

Then, he got the water going. After he did so, he helped Jennie take off her clothes and said faintly, “You’re my wife, and your arms are injured. As a good husband, it is my obligation to help you take a bath. Even if you want to sue me, what are you going to sue me for?”

When Jennie heard this, she was speechless. She did not know how to refute him. Then, she sighed helplessly. It seemed that he was definitely going to do something to her. Since she could not resist, she might as well close her eyes and enjoy it.

Twenty minutes later, Jennie’s face was flushed red, and her body was clean. Lisa carried her to the bed, and he was consumed with lust.

He regretted what he did just now. It was simply making him hot for her. He looked gloomily at Jennie, turned around, and went back to the bathroom.

Lisa frowned as he rinsed his body with cold water. He did not know what was wrong with him, but as soon as he got close to Little Mute, she could turn him on. He had no interest in any women before. How did he become like this now?

When Lisa came out of the bathroom, he found that Jennie was already asleep. Lisa could only resist his urge to do something to her. Then, he lay quietly next to Jennie and put his arm around Jennie’s waist.

A few days later, under the effects of the special medicine, Jennie’s arms healed after she endured severe pain with strong willpower. During these few days, Jennie took good care of her voice, and her voice completely recovered.

Jennie was thinking about whether she should go to Manoban Corporation and give Lisa a surprise. Devil Manoban would definitely be shocked. Just as she was thinking about it, Lisa sent her a message.

“I’m going away on a business trip for about six days.”

When Jennie saw Lisa’s message, she had a sense of disappointment. Looking at the blue sky and the birds flying by, she was 10th to part with him, but she could only endure it. Perhaps it was because Manoban

Lisa was too good to her during this period of time that she became dependent on him.

She calmed down and quickly replied to his message.

“I got it. Stay safe.”

As soon as Jennie sent out the message, she immediately received Lisa’s reply.

“You don’t need to take showers these few days.”

Jennie was confused. What was he talking about? The weather was so hot now. If she did not take showers for so many days, her body would stink. Could it be that Lisa liked stinky girls? Confused, Jennie immediately sent Lisa a question mark.

In Lisa’s office in Manoban Corporation.

Lisa frowned when he saw the question mark sent by Jennie. He just did not want anyone to touch her. He would be away for so many days. Plus, Little Mute’s arms were injured, and she could not take showers herself.

Therefore, Little Mute would probably ask a maid to bathe her. However, that way, the maid would see Little Mute’s body and even touch her body. All these were things that he could not tolerate. After a moment of silence, Lisa sent Jennie a message.

“I won’t mind you being dirty.”

Jennie was still confused when she saw this message. She replied with a question mark again. What happened to Boss Manoban? Why did he suddenly become like this? Wasn’t he a neat freak?

Lisa frowned when he saw the second question mark sent by Jennie. Could he just tell her that he did not want others to touch her? Just as he was about to reply to her message, there was a knock on the office door.

Max walked in with a document and greeted Lisa respectfully. “Chairman, the plane is ready to take off. We can go at any time.”

Lisa nodded. All his thoughts were on how to reply to Little Mute. When he lowered his head, he saw a message from Jennie. He immediately unlocked his phone to see what Little Mute sent him.

“Boss Manoban, the weather is too hot now. If I don’t take showers for so many days, I’ll stink. Therefore, I have to take a shower every day. ”

Lisa’s face darkened when he saw this message. Did Little Mute want others to touch her body? He was a bit angry and immediately sent a message to Jennie.

“If that’s the case, you come with me. I’ll ask Felix to pick you up now.”.


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