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Merlin’s eyes welled up with tears as she spoke. Tears were about to fall at any second. She looked upset and resentful. She pleaded with her father,

“Dad, I’m so upset I’m about to cry. Could you help me just once and let me vent my anger?”

When Max heard this, his eyes narrowed and he looked sharply at Jennie with similar displeasure. But when he remembered that she was Lisa’s wife, he let out a slow breath and said calmly,

“My dear daughter, you have to know that she’s Madam Manoban. I can’t let you do that, not yet.”

Merlin snorted coldly. She had never been humiliated like this all her life. And her father was going to ignore her now… Merlin was so angry that she could only turn around, not wanting to see the two people onstage. When Max saw that his daughter was so angry, he coaxed quickly,

“Alright, Merlin, the Manoban Corporation wants to collaborate with us. However, for your sake, I shall turn them down. Don’t be angry, okay?”

Merlin was still a little unhappy when she heard this but she had no other choice. She could not activate the security guards now. If that happened, the Max family would have a bad reputation. She could only reluctantly nod and say, “I understand, father.”

With that, Merlin once again sized up the two people onstage, her eyes filled with jealousy and hatred. How could Jennie make her lose so much face? This matter would not be laid to rest so easily. She must avenge herself.

Under everyone’s admiring gaze, Jennie held Lisa’s arm and the two of them walked back to their seats. They passed by the furious Merlin. Seeing the jealousy in Merlin’s eyes, Jennie said plainly,

“Oh, Miss Merlin, please remember that you owe me two requests.”

Merlin was already angry, but when he heard Jennie’s words, she almost lost it. Her eyes were filled with jealousy and anger and she swore again that she would find an opportunity to teach this arrogant girl a lesson.

She gritted her teeth and said, “I know.”

Merlin cursed in her heart. Did this blind Jennie not know that she, Merlin, is the protagonist? She still shamelessly reminded her of her losses. It was unreasonable and way too shameless.

Jennie was instantly gratified when she saw Merlin’s angry face. Who asked this woman to target her in the first place? She was finding trouble with her and wanted to embarrass her.

She smiled playfully and said, “In that case, Miss Merlin, you may not want to challenge me in future. Otherwise, you’d be unhappy, and so would I.”

Merlin wanted to give this girl two tight slaps when she heard this. She had already won, yet she wanted to rub it in. It was detestable. Merlin looked at Jennie angrily and said, “How can you be unhappy when you’ve won everyone’s admiration?”

A wicked smile flashed across Jennie’s face. This woman has taken the bait. Since she has done that, she shall be taught a harsh lesson. Jennie replied indifferently,

“I came to the banquet just for the food. But you insisted on having me onstage and made me miss eating. Tell me, how can I be happy?”

Merlin vomited blood in her heart. How’s this human speak? She’s already won and yet she’s acting pitiful. Who’s she putting on a show for? Merlin said coldly,

“I’ve seen you eat. I know that you’re angry at me right now and you want to make me look bad.”

Jennie did not expect this woman to be so smart that she understood what was going on. She suddenly felt a little tired and casually brushed her hair.

“Think what you want. I’m going to get some delicious food.”

Lisa held Jennie’s hand. Since things had gotten this bad, they might as well go home. They could eat this food anywhere. Even if the hotel didn’t have it, he could get someone to make it for his girl. He said plainly,

“Forget it, let’s eat at home. Let’s go!”

Jennie was stunned when she heard this. Could the partnership with the Max family fall through because she had slapped Merlin in the face today? Could she have created trouble? She quickly asked,

“How could we go home? Don’t we still have business to discuss with Mr. Max?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now