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"What? What a fantastic deal! I must bet all my money. All this pocket money that I hardly spend."

"How much is your pocket money? It's such a good opportunity, you have to put more money into it. I have started borrowing money from my friends, as much as they could lend. Anyway, it's a sure-win business."

"Yeah, forget about friends. I'll borrow from the professional lenders. I'll borrow more so that after I repay the loan, I'd still be a multimillionaire. Hahahaha!"

Such conversations happened almost every day at school. Even teachers have secretly placed bets after hearing the news. After all, this could be a life-changing event. No one wanted to miss this money-making opportunity. Just like what some said, this was a sure-win situation!

During break, Irene walked to Jennie and placed all her money in front of Jennie. She only had one friend, so it didn't matter if she lost some money. Even though she didn't have much, she had to support her friend. Irene said seriously to Jennie,

"Jen... Jennie, I know, I know you are going to win. These, these are mine. I only have so much, I hope you don't mind. I'll, I'll bet everything on you winning."

Jennie looked at the small notes and coins on her desk and was surprised. The Bae family could be considered wealthy. They own a jewelry business. How could they give their daughter so little money? They were so rich, and yet they were so stingy? It was terrifying. It's not even enough for a primary school student! Irene saw the surprise on Jennie's face and lowered her head as she said with self-abasement,

"My, my, my mom and dad said that I, I came from the countryside and don't, don't need too much, too much pocket money... This, this was enough."

Jennie was irked when she heard this. What about people from the countryside? Currently, countryside consumption was sometimes higher than in the city. It's just that most countryside people were simple and kind. Moreover, this chubby girl was bullied so much and still did not resist... Jennie gave all the money to Selugi and said,

"Selugi, take this money and place a bet. Thank you."

Selugi looked at the small change speechlessly. There were so many small notes and coins, when will he finish counting them? Irene blushed slightly as she saw the contempt on Selugi's face. She opened her mouth to say "Selu" but closed it again. How did she dare to call Selugi by his name? She looked at Selugi timidly and said,

"Um, that, that money isn't much. But thank you, thank you and sorry, sorry for the trouble."

Jennie saw how frightened Irene was and patted her shoulder. Was Selugi that scary? He wasn't going to eat anyone. He was just a little unscrupulous, but he has a good heart. He's gotten nicer since he was taught the last lesson. Jennie comforted,

"It's okay, don't be so scared. Selugi isn't going to eat anyone. Just call him by his name."

Irene was silent for a while. What a joke. This Selugi was the school bully. Many students had been severely beaten by him. Even if he didn't eat anyone, he never showed mercy when it came to beating up people. She, a little fat girl, wouldn't dare to be so arrogant.

When everyone heard Jennie's words, they looked at her in disbelief. There was no need to be afraid of Selugi? Did she forget that Selugi had beaten a classmate to death and got away with it? Wasn't that scary enough? Jennie smiled and said to Irene,

"Rene, it's okay. Selugi is not that bad. Also, thank you for your support. I will remember your kindness."

Although Irene didn't have much money, she still supported her at this time. This chubby girl was very loyal, so Jennie couldn't be disloyal and must help this chubby girl. She couldn't let her continue living like this. At the thought of this, Jennie said,

"Rene, you'd better stay away from Nana. Otherwise, you will get hurt."

Irene nodded quickly with a bitter smile on her face. Nana had always bullied her, and she had long wanted to stay away from her. But Nana always stayed close to her and often bullied her.

She wasn't very smart and couldn't defend herself whenever Nana bullied her. Her parents did not like her to begin with. They hated her even more after Nana smeared her. Even her grandmother, who used to like her, was a little disappointed in her.


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