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Lisa was annoyed when he saw that Jennie was still confused. Was this girl an idiot? He had already said so much, yet she still did not understand? He looked at Jennie coldly and said,

"Do you understand?"

Jennie quickly nodded when she saw Lisa's cold expression and angry eyes. Whether she understood or not, she must first make the devil happy so she could keep on living. Everything else could be discussed later.

Lisa simmered down when he saw her nod. This girl was not too stupid to have finally got it. He lowered his head and bit Jennie's lips lightly before he said domineeringly,

"Girl, you must keep your distance from men in future. And you must also keep your distance from women. Only I can get close to you. No one else can!"

Jennie was stunned when she heard this. It was understandable for her to keep her distance from men, but why did she also have to keep her distance from women? It was normal for girlfriends to hug each other. She looked at the expressionless Lisa and asked curiously,


Lisa glared at Jennie coldly when he heard this, the warning in his eyes obvious. Why didn't this girl get it? She actually had the nerve to ask. He gave her a look, asking her to figure out for herself.

Jennie saw Lisa's warning look and still did not understand. She had not done anything wrong, so why was she being treated like this? Moreover, she did not understand the meaning behind his look, so she said with all honesty,

"Well, boss, I still don't quite understand. What do you mean?"

Felix was speechless. Madam was quite smart; how could she be so stupid all of a sudden? The chairman's intention was, of course, for Madam to never cheat on him! No cheating on him whether with a man or with a woman!

Lisa saw Jennie's silly look and thought she was very cute. He was not as angry as before but this matter had to be explained to this silly girl so she wouldn't do it again. He replied calmly,

"What I mean is, you're mine, so only I can..."

Before he could finish, Lisa's phone rang. He frowned in annoyance. The caller had better have a good reason for calling him at this time. But his frown deepened when he recognized the familiar ringtone.

Jennie looked at Lisa in confusion. What was wrong with Devil Manoban? The phone had been ringing for a long time, but why didn't he answer it? Or is there some secret to this phone call that she can't know about? Jennie reminded him out of curiosity,

"Boss, your phone is ringing. Don't you want to pick it up?"

Lisa looked at Jennie coldly and answered the call. The aura around him became cold instantly. Without waiting for the caller to say anything, Lisa said in a bossy tone,

"Max, I've already said that tonight's meeting is canceled. Don't disturb me. Didn't you understand?"

Jennie looked at Lisa even more curiously. Since he had a meeting, why did he pick her up from school? Shouldn't a workaholic like him work hard?

On the other end of the phone call, cold sweat broke out on Max's forehead when he heard Lisa's words. Fortunately, if not because of the matter at hand, he would have been beaten to death by the chairman. He calmed down quickly and replied respectfully,

"Chairman, it's not about the meeting. It's about what you told me last time. We have an update."

Lisa laughed grimly when he heard this. His aura froze as he was a little nervous and at a loss. After all, this matter meant a lot to him. He still could not believe it after Max said that there's an update. Lisa calmed his mind and asked quickly,

"What's the update?"

Lisa had been sleeping in the same bed as Jennie these days. Every day when he saw Jennie's eyes, he could not help but think of the other girl. He especially wanted to know if Jennie was the girl from back then.

What he wanted to know more was whether that girl was still alive. With mixed feelings, he mulled over it for a few days before he got Max to hire people to find out about that girl.

However, Lisa did not tell anyone about his suspicions. After all, they were just suspicions. What if Jennie wasn't that girl and they found her? What would he do then?


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