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Lisa looked at Jennie’s bashful expression and a strange light flashed in his eyes. This girl might have been sent by God to seduce him. Otherwise, why would he be so impulsive every time? He patted his lap and said calmly,


Jennie became even more bashful. This devil was too cunning. He was clearly trying to seduce her, trying to get her to make a mistake. Jennie’s face was red as she said shyly with a little nervousness,

“Boss, this, this sofa is a little small and can’t fit two people.”

Lisa was speechless. What was this girl thinking? Or was his hint not obvious enough? He had already patted his lap, so why was she still thinking about sitting on the sofa? He replied coldly,

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Jennie was speechless. Damn it, Devil Manoban actually talked back to her? If this went on, she would unfriend him. He didn’t know how to speak to people at all. He’s just more handsome than most. What was so great about that?

Lisa looked at Jennie who was stunned on the spot and grabbed her arm. With a little force, he pulled Jennie onto his lap. Jennie had no time to react before she felt as if she was sitting on Lisa’s lap. She stood up again with a red face and said quickly,

“Well, boss, whatever the matter, just tell me. I’ll just stand and listen.”

Jennie was still not used to being intimate with the opposite sex, especially when she sat on his lap like this. It made her feel insecure. Besides, Lisa was so handsome that she could easily lost herself.

Lisa frowned when he saw that Jennie was so nervous. Did this girl hate him? Or did she not want to be too close to him? But she hugged him in the car earlier... He replied coldly,

“I don’t like to raise my head when talking to people.”

Jennie was speechless. This old man was indeed cunning. He just wanted to take advantage of her. But she was really not used to this. Even though she had hugged Lisa earlier, she was drowsy from sleep then!

Lisa did not care about what Jennie had to say. He reached out again and pulled her back onto his lap, catching her off guard. Jennie wanted to get up again but she was afraid that the devil might be angry so she quickly said,

“Um, what is it? Tell me quick. I have something else to do.”

Lisa looked at Jennie on unfamiliar territory, especially the familiar gaze that had melted his cold heart a little. He said with a smile,

“I’m not trying to do anything. Why are you afraid?”

Jennie’s face turned even redder when she heard this. She lowered her head bashfully. Even if the devil wasn’t thinking anything, she was afraid that she could not stand it! Especially when seduced by such a handsome man. She feigned seriousness as she replied,

“Don’t you know that a man and a woman should keep their distance? Besides, it’s romantic to admire from afar. We should keep a little distance between us.”

When Lisa heard Jennie’s words, he thought of the days when her arms were broken. He was the one who bathed Jennie every day. When he thought of this, he naturally thought of her curvaceous figure and whispered in Jennie’s ear,

“Silly child, don’t you think it’s a little late to say this now?”

Jennie’s face was red as she lowered her head. She was too shy to look at Lisa. What did he mean by a little late? They need to keep a distance or something would happen. Even if the devil could hold it in, she couldn’t! Jennie replied plainly,

“It’s not too late, it’s just right.”

Madness flashed in Lisa’s eye as he heard this. Recalling the night they spent together, his temperature started to rise, and his mouth went dry. He lifted Jennie’s chin and said,

“Really? Don’t you think that’s a little self-deceiving?”

Jennie understood what Lisa meant. When her arms were broken, it was Devil Manoban who bathed her every day. Moreover, the two of them had spent a night together before. She became even more shy as she answered nervously,

“Actually, um, ah, um, I...”

Lisa thought that Jennie was really cute when he saw that she was so nervous that she could not speak. The restlessness in his heart became even more uncontrollable. He lowered his head and gently kissed Jennie’s earlobe and teased,

“Have you forgotten that we’re husband and wife? Husband and wife can do a lot of things together, right?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now