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When Jisoo heard Jennie's words, he stood up angrily and banged the table. But he was a little intimidated when he saw Seulgi glaring at him. He was afraid of Seulgi, but not of Jennie. He sat down and mocked Jennie. Afterall, when it's just talk, Seulgi couldn't really do anything about it.

"Wow, you can really talk big. Why don't you just kneel down and call me "dad" now, and then live broadcast yourself eating sh*t? I was going to give you a discount and let you off, but now it seems that I was too merciful."

Jennie was instantly displeased when she heard this. They had the nerve to raise the stakes now? Jennie was the one who felt it unjust that she gambled so little on such a good opportunity. These students were too poor and didn't have much money. Otherwise, she would have bet big and become a rich woman quickly! She replied plainly,

"I think it's more like I didn't raise the stakes because I was too kind."

Jisoo's eyes were filled with anger. This piece of trash dared to be so arrogant! If it wasn't for Seulgi, Jennie probably wouldn't even be able to stand up and speak today. He had no idea why Seulgi was so infatuated with this good-for-nothing. He glared at Jennie and replied coldly,

"Jennie, be careful of talking too big. You'd be slapped even harder when the time comes. After all, you know in your heart that you are piece of trash, right?"

Jennie didn't care what Jisoo said. After all, his mouth belonged to him, and she couldn't control him. It would become clear who'd get slapped in the face when the results were out. She would just let these people be smug for a few days more so they couldn't even cry when time came...

"I, Jennie, never talk big. We'll just see the results when they are out!"

When Jisoo recalled Jennie's performance in the exam room, a smug look appeared on his face. If this piece of trash could get good results, there wouldn't be any bad students in this school. Everyone would be a straight-A student. Jisoo wasn't angry anymore when he heard Jennie. Instead, he said arrogantly,

"Alright, when the time comes, you'll give me lots of money and you'll kneel before me and call me "dad". In the end, you'll still have to eat sh*t. Anyway, your results will definitely get you first place, but the first place from the bottom! Hahaha!"

When the class belle, Lin Lianlian, heard Jisoo's words, she also agreed. As long as Jennie was gone, her secret with Zhang Mingming would be safe. Seizing any opportunity to add fuel to fire, Lin Lianlian chipped in happily,

"That's right. We are all looking forward to seeing how much money Jennie will pay us. And, to watch her live broadcast!"

The crowd nodded. This piece of trash was indeed a little arrogant. She insisted that she would win since the beginning. Her results were like dog sh*t. How could she possibly get first place? And now, she's talking so big...

"Yeah, right? I've already borrowed money to place bets on the school forum. I bet that Jennie will lose. When that happens, I'll be a truly wealthy person thanks to this piece of trash!"

"Not only will Jennie make us rich, but she will also have to broadcast a sh*t eating performance for everyone to watch. That's a lot of trouble to go through! This piece of trash very much wants to curry favor with us, yeah?"

Seulgi couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't believe that these guys dared to humiliate Jennie like this. Did they completely ignore his existence? Or were his words no longer powerful? He clenched his fists tightly, ready to get up and teach these guys a lesson, as he shouted,

"You, are you all f*cking courting death? All of you shut up, or else..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Jennie pulled him while shaking her head to tell him not to be impulsive. It was not worth it. The more arrogant these guys were, the more painful it would be for them when they lose. That would be the greatest revenge against them. She ordered Seulgi,

"Go back and sit down."

Seulgi looked at Jennie with some confusion. She didn't want him to make any move despite such humiliation? Was she going to just tolerate it? But, the more she tolerated it, the more arrogant these guys would become. It was better to shut them up now. Seulgi replied in puzzlement,

"Sister Kim, they..."

Jennie waved her hand, signaling Seulgi not to be impulsive. Jennie massaged her forehead as she looked at Seulgi's clenched fists. We couldn't settle everything in this world with our fists. When the time came and these people were slapped in their faces, they would be in more pain than just being beaten. So, there was no real need to be violent... Jennie said plainly,

"We'll know the result in two days. There's no need to be impulsive. When the time comes, my genuine capability would slap them in their faces. Don't destroy my image using violence!"


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