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Lisa's face darkened when he heard his grandmother's words. He never thought that his grandmother would say something like this. To keep the child but not the child's mother... How could they do that? He asked coldly,


Back then, he had told everyone that if anyone could give birth to his child, she would become Madam Manoban,the first wife of the Manoban family. But now, he had to be so vicious as to keep the child but not the child's mother?

When Lisa's grandmother heard his question, displeasure appeared on her face. Even though it was a phone call, as the matriarch of the Manoban family, how could she allow a younger family member to speak to her so arrogantly?

"Who are you and who is this woman? How could she be worthy of you? What right does she have to marry into the Manoban family?" Lisa's grandmother asked coldly.

If Lisa had been told that from the start, he might not have a problem. But now that Lisa had gradually fallen in love with Jennie, how could he let her go so easily?

"Grandma, if we do this, won't we become people who break promises? Being especially cold-blooded and heartless?"

Grandma Manoban did not care about any of it. Everything she was doing now was for the sake of the Manoban family, especially Lisa. He's now the spokesperson of the Manoban family. How could he bring such a woman into the family? She replied indifferently,

"Lisa, you're such a heartless person. Do you still need love?"

Lisa fell silent when he heard this. He looked at Jennie who was playing with her phone. This cute girl had melted his frozen heart bit by bit, how could he let her go?

Grandma Manoban waited for a long time and didn't hear any response from Lisa. She was unhappy. Has her eldest grandson fallen for such a woman? How could that be? The Manoban family was so noble... Grandma Manoban continued mercilessly,

"Lisa, you must remember that feelings are useless in the Manoban family. If you have feelings, then you have weaknesses. If you value feelings as much as your dad, you will become a useless bugger like him!"

When Lisa heard this, he remembered that when he was young, his grandmother did not approve of his father and mother being together. In order to stay with his mom, his dad had voluntarily given up being the heir of the Manoban family. But because Lisa was the eldest grandson of the Manoban family, his grandmother had raised him and she had made him emotionless. He was brought up to focus everything he had on the Manoban family business.

Grandma Manoban was a little impatient. The grandson she had raised should not have any unnecessary feelings. She could not let all her years of hard work go to waste, and she would not let her eldest grandson be like his useless dad. She added coldly,

"Lisa, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Lisa came back to his senses. Even though he was now the chairman of the Manoban Corporation, he wasn't the one who had the final say in the Manoban family, so he could only agree softly. Grandma Manoban nodded in satisfaction and said over the phone,

"Chaeyeon will be back the day after tomorrow. You should go and welcome her home. Bring her home more often in future."

Lisa was a little displeased when he heard this. What did Chaeyeon's return have to do with him? Anyone else who's willing could go and welcome her but not him. He wanted to stay at home and keep his girl company. So, he replied coldly,

"I don't have time. I've been very busy recently."

Grandma Manoban was very unhappy when she heard this. How could he turn down her request? Anyone else would have been overjoyed! She scolded over the phone,

"Chaeyeon grew up with you and has always liked you. The two of you are childhood friends who are meant to be together. How can you be so heartless?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Lisa's eyes. That was not what his grandmother had said earlier. She's now accusing him of being heartless. It's quite funny. Did she expect him to have split personalities? He replied coldly,

"Grandma, you just taught me not to have feelings. Feelings are useless, right?"

Grandma Manoban was speechless when she heard this. How dare this damn child use her words against her? Apart from Lisa, no one in the Manoban family would dare to do this. After a moment of silence, Grandma Manoban said,

"Chaeyeon could very well become the future heiress of the Lee family. Being with her will be very helpful for you!"


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now