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Solar stopped talking nonsense when she saw that Jennie was upset. She contacted Jennie for a reason today. After all, they had known each other for so long, and she had worked for Jennie for a while now and made some money. Shouldn't they meet? She typed quickly,

"KIM, I don't think we've ever met. Now that the transformation is almost complete, should we find time to meet?"

Jennie frowned when she saw Solar's message. Solar wanted to meet. Why? It wasn't like she wouldn't but she was really busy recently. She also had a mission from her mom, so she couldn't spare any time. She could only reply Solar,

"I don't have time these days."

Solar was a little unhappy when she saw this. How could she not have time? Solar had been looking forward to this meeting for a long time, yet she received an outright rejection. Wasn't it not nice? Moreover, the transformation of the alliance was almost complete, and they would meet eventually. She replied quickly,

"How do you not have time?"

When Jennie saw this, she stole a glance at Lisa. Now that the devil would send her to and pick her up from school every day, how could she have time? Moreover, they could always meet at a later date. Also, the devil would not agree to them meeting if he knew. So, she replied,

"I don't want this either, but my husband is too clingy."

Solar felt like she was hit 10,000 times when she read this. Her boss was going too far. Wasn't she just provoking her by showing off all the lovey-dovey things? She definitely couldn't just accept it. After a moment of silence, Solar typed her reply to Jennie,

"We've worked together for so many years. It shouldn't be a problem for us to meet, right? Besides, we need to discuss the future of the company when we meet. Now that we're in network security, we need to be a more formal and aboveboard company. Of course, it's best if we can buy a good building and make it our headquarters. That way, we'll be more trustworthy."

"When the companies that are willing to work with us see that we are so trustworthy, they will want to quickly sign a contract with us. Then, the money will just keep flowing in."

Jennie frowned and thought for a moment when she read this. She agreed with Solar. They should come out of the shadows into the light and become an aboveboard business. They should have their own image, and the better the image, the more customers they would get and their business would grow. Jennie felt that there shouldn't be any problem, so she replied,

"Okay, but you'll have to wait until after I get my exam results. We can talk about the future of the company then."

Then, Jennie waited for Solar's reply. After all, they need to nail down the date, time and venue of their meeting. But before Solar's message arrived, she received a message from the demon king. She almost forgot that she had such a disciple. She opened the demon king's message awkwardly to see what it was about...

"Um, Master, have you been very busy lately? Have you forgotten me, your disciple?"

Lisa was a little unhappy when he saw Jennie chatting so happily with someone else. He was right beside her, yet the girl was chatting so fervently with someone else. Lisa was jealous and that was why he sent her a message.

Jennie was speechless when she saw Lisa's message. Why did the devil suddenly send her a message? She had indeed been neglecting this disciple lately, but wasn't he also doing something important? Moreover, they were together every day, so when would she have time to give him homework?

Lisa waited for a long time but Jennie did not reply. He raised his head and stole a glance at Jennie. He noticed that she had stopped chatting with others and his jealousy subsided. But he was still unhappy and decided to tease Jennie, so he messaged,

"Master, I've already paid my tuition fees. Don't tell me that you're thinking of neglecting me?"

Jennie suddenly felt guilty when she saw this. She did have such thoughts before. Could the devil have found out? She raised her head and sneakily looked at Lisa who was working. When she saw that he was not looking at her, she turned around and replied,

"My good disciple, how could I not keep my word?

 If you call me Master, I will definitely dote on you."


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