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Merlin was elated when she heard the crowd’s comments. There was even a hint of pride in her smile. After all, Randall’s skill was indisputable and could cover up her mistakes if she made any. There should be no problem. Merlin looked at Jennie arrogantly and said,

“Madam Manoban, it’s your turn.”

Jennie got up when she heard this. Just as she was about to walk onstage, Lisa grabbed her arm. Jennie looked at him, somewhat confused. Wasn’t it time to go onstage? Why was he stopping her? Could it be that he was just trying to save face just now and did not know how to play the violin? When Merlin saw that Jennie was alone, she asked avidly,

“What happened? Did Madam Manoban not find a suitable partner? It’s unfortunate that Randall has already performed with me. You are going to have to find someone else.”

Jennie’s face filled with disdain when she heard this. Jennie acknowledged that Randall was indeed excellent, but that was all. Why was Merlin so smug? She had already been slapped in the face consecutively, did she not feel any pain at all? If she lost again, she would lose more face. Jennie said coldly to Merlin,

“There’s no need. I can do it alone.”

It was not just no need. Jennie could crush them alone. It was not that difficult to beat Merlin and Randall. She would let them know the definition of genius today. Merlin was stunned, this girl’s courage was commendable. She sneered and said condescendingly,

“Madam Manoban, you’re not bad. You know your place.”

From Merlin’s point of view, this girl, Jennie, must have understood that among the people present, there was no one who could match up to Randall. So, anyone who partnered with Jennie would only embarrass themselves. Jennie’s behaviour was tantamount to surrendering. This was a chance to thoroughly humiliate Jennie.

Jennie looked at Merlin with an idiotic expression when she heard this. What’s wrong with this woman? Did she think that she was going to admit defeat? What kind of joke was this?

All she wanted to do today was to have some delicious food and then go back to study. But, for no reason, she was targeted by this woman, Merlin. She had no choice but to ruthlessly slap Merlin in the face. Jennie said calmly,

“What? Miss Merlin, I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood.”

Merlin was stunned when she heard this. She frowned. How dare this girl be so arrogant? Initially, she only wanted to humiliate Jennie a little and let her go on account of Chairman Manoban, but this girl was too infuriating! She must let her learn from her mistakes. Just as she was about to speak, Jennie added calmly,

“It’s okay, you’ll know soon enough.”

Then, Jennie turned around and silently told Lisa to let go of her. She was going to perform on stage. Lisa frowned as he learned that Jennie had no intention to duet with him. It seemed like she did not believe that he could play the violin. But it was okay. She would know soon enough.

“Oh, let’s do it together.”

Jennie’s eyes widened when she heard this. What the hell? Devil Manoban wanted to go up with her? Was he not afraid that if they lost, both of them would be humiliated? This could be a big deal because Devil Manoban loved his face. At the thought of this, Jennie asked cautiously,

“Boss, are you sure you want to go up? Do you know how to play the violin?”

Lisa stood up and straightened his clothes. He looked at Jennie unhappily. This girl did not even trust him? Could he be worse than that Randall? Today, he would show off his skills and let this girl know that her husband was just as outstanding, head and shoulders above his peers. He replied humbly,

“I only know a little.”

Felix, who was behind him, was speechless when he heard these words. The chairman was a master violinist at thirteen years old, and he was also the champion of the violin competition. A real big shot who moved the judges to tears with his performance. And now, he said humbly that he only knew a little. Jennie replied,

“Alright, if you’d like to, let’s do it together!”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now