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“But I don’t like her.”

Lisa said it without any hesitation. This answer instantly cleared off the jealousy in Jennie’s heart. At least, Devil Manoban knew that he had a family and stuck to his own principles. That was great. Right then, Max said, “Miss Merlin said that if you’re willing to be with her, she’ll make her family work with us with more benefits.”

When Lisa heard this, he looked at Max with anger in his eyes. He was extremely pissed. Hadn’t he made it clear enough? Couldn’t Max understand it?

He responded coldly, “What? Do I need a woman to help me earn money?”.

Max instantly felt threatened by that sentence. He had been working for the Chairman over these years, he knew Lisas’s temper very well. However, he shouldn’t let the Chairman get obsessed with this Little Mute. He muttered carefully,

“But Miss Merlin said that if you don’t be with her, her family will never ever work with us forever.” Lisa impatiently put down the wine glass in his hand, his eyes filled with anger. This woman was so hard to deal with, she kept pestering him. With an icy tone, Lisa said,

“Tell her that I’m already married. If she continues acting this way, then contact their family’s enemy, the Paul Family.”

When Max heard this, he looked at Jennie unhappily. It was all because of this little trash. If it wasn’t for Jennie, all these wouldn’t have happened. The wise and mighty Chairman wouldn’t have become like this too. With that, Max said,

“Chairman, did you forget? You’ve said that you want to hide the marriage, right?”

Lisa looked at Jennie at the side and pondered for a moment. There was a hint of determination in his eyes as he looked at Max. Whatever happened, happened. Lisa replied,“But I don’t want to hide it anymore.”

Max was speechless. Why was the Chairman so irrational? It was all because of that little trash. If the Chairman revealed that she was his wife, it would definitely become a joke to the outsiders. He asked in confusion,“Chairman, can you tell me why?”

Lisa was even more irritated when he heard this. How dare Max question him? Had he lost his mind? Was he trying to get killed?

Lisa said calmly, “Half a year’s salary.”

Max suddenly lost his curiosity after hearing that. Who in this world would go against money? Half a year’s salary was a huge sum. How could he waste it here? He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and replied immediately.

“It’s okay, I will go tell Miss Merlin now.”

After Max left, Lisa stood up and slowly walked towards Jennie. Back then, this girl was still a mute. He was afraid that people in his family would disapprove of them, so he wanted to hide the marriage. But now, he could make it public since this girl was able to speak.

“Tonight, you’re Madam Manoban. Come with me to the banquet.”

Jennie hesitated for a moment. She then looked up at Lisa who was like a prince. Wasn’t this guy afraid that people would criticize his partner? Did he just decide to make it public? After thinking for a moment, she said hesitantly,“If you make it public, will you be affected?”

Lisa shook his head. How could it affect him? Who would dare to comment on his partner? Jennie was silent for a moment.

She thought of her mother being trapped in the mental hospital, so she bit her lip and whispered, “When we go back later, can we go to visit my mother together?”

The last time she went home, Kim Seon-ho did not believe her at all although she had the marriage certificate.

If she wanted to save her mother, she could only bring Lisa back. That way, Kim Seon-ho would believe that she was married to Lisa.

Before this, Lisa would instantly turn down Jennie’s request. Yet, Lisa was very fond of Jennie now. When he heard Jennie’s words, he gave Jennie a vague look. Then, he nodded.

Seeing that, Jennie became extremely agitated. She looked at Lisa gratefully. After all, if Lisa did not agree, there was nothing she could do. She smiled sweetly at Lisa and said, “Thank you.”

“Thank you.”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now