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Kim Seon-ho looked at Felix’s phone and didn’t dare to take it. Calling the police was just to scare them. After all, there was nothing the powerful Manoban family couldn’t handle. After a while, he said unhappily,

“There’s no need. It’s my bad luck to be bullied by young people like you.”

Soon, a few security guards brought Jennie’s mother to her. Jennie wanted to help her mother into the car, but before she could touch her, her mother pushed Jennie away as she quietly placed a ball of paper in Jennie’s pocket.

Her movements were extremely quick, and no one noticed. As she pushed Jennie with all her might, she fell sitting on the ground. She started rolling around like a child as she cried,

“I’m not going with you. I want my knight to send me back to my castle.”

When the security guards saw this, they quickly went forward and lifted up Jennie’s mother. They wanted to stuff her into the car, but Jennie’s mother held onto the car door and refused to get in. She even shouted,

“I’m not going with you. Let go of me, you scoundrels. Knight, my knight, quickly come and save me. I want to go back to my own castle.”

Jennie’s eyes turned red as she looked at her struggling mother who did not want to leave with her. She did not know what to do. Lisa also felt perplexed when he saw this. He frowned and said softly to Jennie,

“Dear, since your mom is so unwilling to go with us, why don’t we do as she says?”

Kim Seon-ho nodded quickly when he heard this. The crazy woman had done well and must not leave with Jennie. But he faked a distressed expression and said,

“That’s right, Jennie. Your mom is already so old. She cannot stand this kind of suffering! If you miss her, you can always visit her at the hospital.”

Jennie looked at Kim Seon-ho coldly. Her mother was indeed old, and this kind of suffering could aggravate her illness. She turned to Kim Seon-ho and said coldly,

“If I don’t take Mom with me. Will you let me visit her anytime?”

Kim Seon-ho looked at the extremely cold Lisa and nodded quickly. It was not easy for him to have any kind of relationship with a big shot like Lisa, so of course, he would not do what he did in the past. He quickly replied,

“Of course, she is your mother.”

When Jennie visit the crazy woman in future, wouldn’t Lisa come along too? He would be able to interact more with Lisa then. When he got to know Lisa better, he would ask him for some work and he would be rich!

Jennie looked at her mother and then closed her eyes. She did not know why her mother was so afraid of her. Jennie did not dare to look at her mother anymore. She was afraid that if she looked, she would not be able to resist the urge to forcefully take her away. So, she said with her eyes closed,

“Have them let go of Mom. Let’s go home!”

Lisa saw that Jennie was so sad and comforted her with a hug as he stroked her hair. He shot the security guards a look and the security guards immediately let go of Jennie’s mother. Jennie’s mother immediately ran behind Kim Seon-ho and said fearfully,

“Knight, send me back quickly. These bad guys are going to catch me again.”

Kim Seon-ho looked at the motorcade that had just left and felt very uneasy. He went back to the house to get his car keys, grabbed Jennie’s mother and walked towards his car. He said to Jennie’s mother impatiently,

“Okay, I’ll send you back now.”

He stuffed Jennie’s mother into the car carelessly and got into the driver’s seat. He started the car and sped off, afraid that Jennie might regret her decision and come back to snatch her mother again.

In the car, Jennie’s mother stuck her face to the car window, distorting her face. There was a trace of reluctance and helplessness in her crazy eyes as she looked in the direction of Jennie’s motorcade. Dear daughter, it’s not that Mom didn’t want to go with you. It’s because your real identity is too special. In order to keep you safe, Mom can only go back to the hospital and pretend to be crazy.

One day when you are really strong, strong enough to face that terrible enemy, you can come and pick me up again. Mom will certainly leave with you then. Now is not the time. You have to forgive Mom because I’m doing this to protect you!


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now