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Felix's face darkened when he heard Jennie's words. The chairman had been extremely clingy and possessive lately. Madam not going home for dinner would be a serious matter. He dared not inform the chairman and thought he would ask Madam to do it in person. But when he came back to his senses, he saw that Madam had already boarded another car with a chubby girl.

Felix panicked when he saw this. If Madam left and he went home by himself, wouldn't the chairman beat him to death? Even if he wasn't beaten, his one year's salary would probably be gone. He quickly called Lisa and said,

"Chairman, Madam said she won't be going home. She's going to her classmate's house for dinner."

Lisa was in a good mood initially. He was waiting for his girl to finish school and come home for dinner but then he received a call from Felix, and learned that his girl had left with someone else... Lisa replied coldly,

"Not allowed."

Felix was even more afraid when he heard this. He knew that the chairman would not agree, but now that Madam was already in another car, it was impossible for her to go home with him. He treaded carefully,

"Chairman, Madam has already left with her classmate."

Lisa fell silent when he heard this. This damn girl said she would come home for dinner in the morning, but she changed her mind at the last minute? After a moment of silence, Lisa questioned coldly over the phone,

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

Felix was a little confused when he heard this. What was the difference if the classmate was a boy or a girl? Weren't they all classmates? After some thought, Felix finally understood why Lisa asked this and answered quickly,

"A girl, a chubby girl."

Lisa was slightly relieved when he heard that it was a female classmate, but he was still very unhappy that she's not keeping him company. After he hung up, Lisa looked at Max coldly and ordered,

"Everyone, work overtime."

Max looked helpless. Just now, the chairman said that he did not want to work overtime, but then he received a call and instantly changed his mind. It must be that damn good-for-nothing mute. Otherwise, everyone would be on their way home for dinner.

Jennie and Irene arrived at the Bae residence together. The garden villa proved that the Bae family was quite well to do. Even if they were not the wealthiest, they were wealthy enough. Irene said nervously to Jennie,

"Sister... Sister Kim, my, my dad and mom don't like me. You, you came back with me. They, they won't, they won't welcome you either. So, so, please don't be offended."

Jennie glanced at Irene. She could feel Irene's resistance and fear towards her family. She nodded lightly. For the sake of this little fatty, even if it was the tiger's den, she had to visit today.

"It's okay. I don't need them to welcome me, and I don't care what they think. You have to be like me. Besides, you should only care about those who care about you. You don't have to care about those who don't care about you."

Irene nodded. Although she wished she could be like this, she couldn't do it. She wished she had the approval of her parents and got along well with her family. But this was just her wishful thinking.

"Okay, okay. Sister Kim, I, I understand."

Meanwhile, a new Mercedes-Benz stopped beside them. A fairy-like girl wearing a dress got out of the car. It was the adopted daughter of the Bae family, Nana. She looked at Irene with disdain, and then at Jennie before she mocked mercilessly,

"Uh, you damn fatty, did you bring home an assistant? Don't you know how to find a better one? How could you bring such a good-for-nothing to help you? Are you stupid?"

Irene didn't care what others said about her, but Jennie was the only person who was nice to her. She dared not do anything to Nana, so she looked at Jennie apologetically and said sincerely,

"Sister... Sister Kim. I, I'm sorry, sorry about this."

Jennie didn't care at all. Anyway, she had heard these unkind words often. She didn't know how many people spoke ill about her in school every day, and she stopped caring. Jennie replied indifferently,

"It's okay. Dogs are always barking. As human beings, we can't be like dogs."

Nana was furious when she heard this. How dare this piece of trash say that about her? She might be protected at school, but this is the Bae residence. She has no right to be so arrogant. Nana cursed angrily,

"You damn piece of trash. You're the f*cking dog. Go home and mind your own business. Don't come to my house and meddle in our business. Do you understand?"


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