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Lisa nodded when he heard Jennie's words. Of course, it was a video conference. Otherwise, why would there be a sound? However, when the person on the other end of the call saw Jennie, he lost his composure and exclaimed,

"God, no wonder you got married! Sister-in-law looks like a celestial being. She's devastatingly beautiful! As a forever single man, I'm really envious."

"That's not right. I see that Sister-in-law is still wearing her school uniform?"

"God, Big Brother, have you gone crazy? This is too scary. You won't even let go of an underage girl?"

Lisa was speechless when he heard the people on the video call. What were they talking about? His girl was already an adult, just a young adult. Was there a need to make such a big fuss? He said coldly,

"Everything you wanted this year is gone."

People in the call panicked when they heard this from Lisa. This could not be made a joke. They were counting on their collaboration with Lisa to earn money this year. They could not lose their business just because of some silly blabbering! They immediately coaxed,

"Brother Manoban, Big Brother, let's talk this out. We know we're wrong. Brother Manoban, you're very charming. Brother Manoban..."

Lisa's face darkened. He did not want to bother with them anymore. He closed the laptop and massaged his temples angrily. Are these guys all idiots? How could they do something so stupid?

Jennie was even more curious about the identities of these people when she saw that Lisa was worked up. They must be of certain status to have the galls to speak to Lisa like this. But in her memory, there were no idiots in the Manoban family. Jennie asked curiously,

"Boss, who are these people?"

Through the video, Jennie saw that these people were all dressed in international brands, and all of them were good-looking. They were even more handsome than some celebrities. They also had an air of superiority about them, like Lisa. They were way more confident than ordinary people.

When Lisa heard Jennie's question, he let things go. Although these people acted like idiots, they all stood at the top of the pyramid. Despite their youth, all of them were big shots. He replied plainly,

"They are the heads of the four noble families. I'll introduce you to them when we have time."

Were these idiots mocking him about his age? That he was old, and he was a "manther"? These fools would not be forgiven so easily. He would teach them a lesson, so they'd behave appropriately in future.

Jennie was a little surprised when she heard this. Shouldn't the Manoban family be one of the four noble families? Why were there four people at the other end of the call? How was it possible that the Manoban family wasn't one of the four noble families? She asked curiously,

"Aren't you from the four noble families? Why are there still four people?"

Lisa wasn't angry when he heard Jennie's questions. After all, it was impossible for Jennie to meet people of their status. So, it's understandable that she didn't know what was going on. Lisa explained to Jennie patiently,

"The Manoban family is higher in status than the four noble families, and the so-called four noble families have to listen to our family."

As he said this, Lisa opened his laptop again and retrieved the information about the four noble families. He showed it to Jennie because no matter how much he said, it would not be as detailed as this information.

"Read it for yourself."

When Jennie heard this, she sat closer to Lisa and looked at the information on the laptop. Information about the four noble families, including biographies of the heads of these families, was all there and very detailed.

After reading the information, Jennie was even more curious. If the four noble families were already so powerful, why would they listen to the Manoban family? Each noble family could very well hold their own. So, Jennie asked curiously,

"Then, what does the Manoban family do?"

Lisa thought for a while. The Manoban family was involved in too many things so for a moment, he didn't know how to answer Jennie . He looked at the information about the four noble families, and said plainly,

"The Manoban family is at the top because we are involved in various fields, including weapons and airplanes."

Jennie's eyes widened. The Manoban family was indeed formidable. She never thought that she would marry such an impressive man. When she remembered that she was the one who shamelessly asked Lisa to marry her, she could not help but appreciate an old saying that people with no sense of shame were indeed invincible!


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now