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Or perhaps this girl was absolutely confident that she would get first place? Wasn't it too early to celebrate? What if she didn't get it? How sad would she be then? But that was fine too if she learned a lesson so she didn't become too arrogant. There would always be someone more impressive in this world.

Jennie was in a particularly good mood now. She thought that the devil had no idea about her bet. She was also looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses now. Everything looked more beautiful, especially Lisa. He's even more handsome now. She boldly pinched his cheeks and said with a smile,

"Of course, it's because I have such a handsome husband!"

Jennie then pinched Lisa's cheeks hard. She did not expect the devil's skin to be so good, so smooth and tender. It was simply irresistible. How good would it be if the devil was her toy boy? When Jennie's, she could bully him as she pleased and do whatever she wanted.

Whenever she was happy, she could stuff money into the demon king's chest. She could then conveniently caress his sturdy chest and his eight-pack abs. Jennie felt her legs go weak at the thought of this. She quickly stopped fantasizing because even if she was rich, the demon king could never be kept with so little money.

So, her new goal now was to make money; the more the better. When the time came, she could use the money to keep the devil as her lover and lap dog. Jennie giggled at the thought and sat in the car like a fool, almost drooling.

Lisa's ears turned a little red when he heard Jennie's praise. This was the first time the girl had complimented him. He had been worried for a while that she might not like him because he was too old. He put on an expressionless face and said coldly to Jennie,

"Stop fooling around and go to school."

When Jennie heard this, she woke up from her daydream. Today's the day exam results would be released, and she must not be late. She so wanted to see how the people who looked down on her would be slapped in their faces. Jennie, who had been in a good mood, winked at Lisa playfully and said with a smile,

"Okay, toy... No, boss, I'm going to class."

Jennie then looked at Lisa with a slightly panicked expression. She was a little too pleased with herself and almost called Lisa "toy boy". If the devil found out, he would probably teach her a lesson. Hopefully, he would never be able to guess what she wanted to say.

Lisa heard the word "toy" and was a little confused. What toy? Did she want to get a toy poodle? He did not expect the girl to have such an idea, so he decided to confirm it. If the girl really wanted to, he could also get one for her.

"Toy poodle? Do you want a toy poodle?"

Jennie relaxed when she heard this. Luckily for her, the devil did not understand. She had averted a potential disaster! It seemed that today was her lucky day so her results would not be bad... Jennie then looked at Lisa seriously and explained,

"Ah, I saw it on TV earlier, and I thought it was so cute."

Jennie started to snicker in her heart. Luckily, she was so smart or the devil might have exploded in anger today. The headlines tomorrow would probably read "Leader of the Manoban family angered to death by a young girl at the school gate". Jennie took out her phone, looked at it, and pretended to say,

"Oh no, classes will start soon. I'd better go."

Felix saw Jennie get out of the car unscathed and he couldn't believe it. There's a saying that a bear shouldn't be poked. Wasn't the chairman scarier than a bear? Madam had pinched the bear's face and she got out of the car unscathed? The chairman didn't get mad?

Felix clearly remembered that a long time ago, there was a girl who didn't know better and tried to get close to the chairman. Her arm was broken. But Madam got away unscathed? Did the chairman employ double standards? Or was Madam too amazing?

Jennie got out of the car and strode into school. As soon as she entered the campus, she became the focus of everyone's attention. Today's the day exam results would be released and this good-for-nothing actually dared to show up? Not only would she have to lose a few billion yuan, but she would also have to eat sh*t on a live stream! Everyone thought that she had run away!


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now