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Ji-hyang put on a wronged face while in Ouyang Rui's arms, the kind of look that would make others feel sorry for her. Tears rolled in her eyes as she looked at Jennie and said pitifully,

"Jennie, you..."

Just as she was saying this, Selugi interrupted. He looked at Ouyang Rui and Ji-hyang with disgust, especially Ji-hyang. The things that had happened in the past were vivid in his mind. Selugi naturally stood on Jennie's side and mocked Ji-hyang,

"That's right. No matter how good my mood is, it's ruined when I see the two of you. Hurry up and scream. Stop sickening us."

Ouyang Rui's face darkened when he heard this, but he didn't dare show his anger. Even if Selugi weren't as powerful, he could beat up Ouyang Rui easily if he wanted to. As for Ji-hyang, she felt even more humiliated when she was called out like this in public. She said aggrievedly,

"Ouyang, it's fine if Jennie doesn't listen. I'll go back and let her dad come here personally. Let's go!"

When the onlookers saw Ji-hyang's behavior, they stood up for her. They didn't care who was right or wrong. They only knew that Ji-hyang was their school belle, and now she was being bullied badly by her own sister. They had to say something.

"Ji-hyang is such a poor thing. She looks gentle and meek, and she's being bullied like this. Look at Jennie, she's cold and cruel. Now I really suspect that Jennie was the one who did that thing at the hotel and made Ji-hyang the scapegoat."

"This Jennie, she's not much of a student, but she's quite scheming. By the looks of it, she's just a prostituting ingénue. She couldn't even give her own sister a break. It's too scary."

Selugi was unhappy that Ji-hyang's act has gained everyone's sympathy. These ignorant idiots sympathized with that two-faced hypocrite but insulted his goddess? He shouted coldly,

"All of you, listen up. From now on, Ji-hyang is the enemy. If any of you dare to help Ji-hyang humiliate my goddess, be prepared to face death!"

The crowd looked at Selugi in horror. The school bully who's still a child; why must he be so violent all the time? They were just saying a few words here and there, did they have to die? Selugi didn't care about any of it and continued coldly,

"Also, I know who among you spoke up for Ji-hyang and humiliated my goddess just now. Just you f*cking wait. When the time comes, it's useless even if you kneel and call me "dad". I'll annihilate all of you."

Ji-hyang did not want matters to get worse but Selugi was her eldest nephew, so she could not sell him out; not for Ji-hyang's sake anyway. There were other ways to deal with her. She said plainly to Selugi,

"Selugi, don't mind them. They can say whatever they want. Anyway, the mouths belong to them."

After saying that, she looked at Ji-hyang coldly. She remembered that Ji-hyang had mentioned to let Kim Seon-ho come. She didn't want to see that idiot Kim Seon-ho, who treated his wife and daughter badly for the sake of outsiders. She couldn't help but suspect that Ji-hyang was more likely his biological daughter. She said coldly to Ji-hyang,

"Tell him not to come. It's useless even if he comes."

Glee flashed across Ji-hyang's eyes when she heard this. Was Jennie scared now? This man was after all her father. No matter how sharp-tongued Jennie was, she couldn't disobey her dad. In any case, her dad hardly ever indulged her. She looked at Jennie and said smugly,

"I can't help it. He won't listen to me."

If and when Jennie's father came, he would tie up this piece of trash, make her take the blame and then send her to the countryside to become a baby machine. She's totally not worthy of Selugi's admiration. She's just trash!

A murderous look flashed across Jennie's face when she heard this. It seemed that this two-faced hypocrite really wanted to find trouble with her. So what if Kim Seon-ho came? Did Ji-hyang think that she would be scared? Jennie said coldly to the smug Ji-hyang,

"So what if he came? It's useless even if all your ancestors came!"


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