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Lisa held Jennie in his arms, displaying his utmost desire to protect her. To him, no one, no matter who, could hurt his woman. Otherwise, they would have to face his wrath. Lisa said calmly,“If you don’t believe me, so be it.”

Just now, Jennie inserted the silver needle very skillfully so she must know a little medicine. Moreover, based on her technique and demeanor, her knowledge of medicine was non-trivial. To be able to discover this wasn’t just technique.

Her arms were broken and yet she recovered in such a short time. This was practically impossible. For an ordinary person with the same injury, recovery would typically take at least three months, but this girl recovered quickly.

He had long realized that something was not right, but seeing how she wanted to hide it, he pretended not to know and did not expose her. He thought that there was an expert helping her, but now that he saw her with her silver needles, perhaps she had healed herself.

Jennie looked at Lisa in surprise. She had never said that she knew medicine and had never even shown it. How could Devil Manoban know? Even if he investigated her, he wouldn’t be able to find out, would he?

“She’s just a child who’s still in school. What medicine could she know?” Merlin snorted coldly as she looked at Jennie angrily. If anything happened to her father, she would get someone to teach this girl a lesson.

Lisa looked at Merlin coldly and said vehemently,
“Haven’t you heard of the saying in our country, ‘Heroes come from the youth’? There are young geniuses everywhere. It can only be said that you are ignorant.”

Merlin’s expression turned ugly as she heard this and she clenched her fists. She wished that she could have someone kill them right this moment. How dare he call her ignorant in front of so many people? It’s simply unimaginable!

Randall was ultimately a businessman and he understood that harmony brought wealth. No matter what, he would control his anger, especially now that Lisa was about to become their business partner.

He quickly smiled and said, “Chairman Manoban, thank both of you for your kindness. It’s just my father’s recurring condition that he often passes out. He’ll recover when the doctor arrives.”

He had already instructed someone to send for the family doctor. The family doctor had said before that his father’s condition might not be due to a cerebral vascular problem.

It could also be his high blood pressure that caused him to faint so there was no need to worry too much. Randall continued, “You and Madam, please sit for a while. We’ll continue our partnership discussion after my father comes around.”

Lisa ignored everyone, held Jennie and found a place to sit down. When he saw that Jennie was still in a daze, he knocked gently on her forehead with his fingers and told her not to think too much.

“Alright, the doctor will be here soon. Everything will be fine.”

Jennie nodded and put away her silver needles. She wanted to do good, but they didn’t believe her at all. There was nothing she could do. She could only watch helplessly as she sat quietly next to Lisa.

Not long after, the family doctor arrived in a panic and gave simple first aid to Mr. Max who had fallen to the ground. He also performed a systematic examination.

A few minutes later, Mr. Max came around. He rubbed his temples and said, “Did I faint again?”

The family doctor packed up his medical kit and looked at Max nervously. After confirming again that there was nothing wrong, he heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Max seriously.

“Mr. Max, you fainted from high blood pressure just now. I suggest that you drink less alcohol and eat less meat in the future. Try to eat more healthily so that you can avoid passing out often.”

Max was depressed when he heard the family doctor’s advice. In this life, what happiness would there be if you did not drink alcohol or eat meat? But, he had to listen to the doctor.

After all, his life was more important, so he said gloomily, “Understood, I’ll pay more attention in future.”

When Jennie heard the family doctor’s words, she frowned and subconsciously tugged at Lisa’s clothes. Lisa felt the tugging and looked at Jennie in confusion.

“What’s wrong?”

Jennie was a little hesitant. She felt that if she said it directly, it might make the family doctor lose face, but she couldn’t not say it, so she mouthed the words, “The family doctor is wrong. Mr. Max didn’t faint because of high blood pressure!”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now