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Today was a sunny day, and a day that everyone was looking forward to. Everyone will become rich today, some even financially independent for the rest of their lives. Because today was the day the exam results would be released when everyone would be certain that Jennie was a good-for-nothing.

Lisa arrived with Jennie at the school date. Sending her to school had become a routine. No matter how busy he was, he always sent Jennie to school. Jennie, with her backpack, was about to get out of the car when Lisa grabbed her wrist and said,


During this period, Jennie had slowly gotten used to Lisa sending her to school every day, but she was puzzled when the devil suddenly grabbed her. They had already arrived at school, what else did he want? When she saw Lisa's expression, she instantly understood and smiled.

"I know. You want a morning kiss, right?"

As soon as she finished speaking and without waiting for his response, she kissed him. Lately, when the demon king sent her to school, he would always ask for a morning kiss, but she was a little anxious today and forgot, which was why this happened.

Lisa enjoyed the morning kiss and then looked helplessly at Jennie. Why didn't this girl wait for his reply first? This was not what he wanted. The girl kissed him of her own accord and he had simply accepted it.

"I didn't want a morning kiss. I wanted to ask you if you are confident about your exam results."

Felix had already told him about Jennie's bet with everyone at school. When this day came, he was a little worried for Jennie so he wanted to ask if she was nervous. This was no trivial matter after all. And it might affect Jennie's enrollment at this school.

Jennie face went blank when she heard this. Why couldn't the devil say it quickly before? He had to wait until after she kissed him... He was obviously taking advantage of her. But because he was concerned about her, she replied with a smile on her face,

"Of course. No problem. I'm very confident."

Lisa saw the confidence on Jennie's face and had no doubt about her confidence. This girl had already given him so many surprises; learning must be so easy for her. But he was still a little worried. What if there was an even more formidable straight-A student? He said calmly,

"If you don't do well, I can lend you my shoulder."

Lisa knew that Jennie would at least be in the top three of the entire school. From her performance abroad, this was no problem. Her scoring zero marks in all her pervious exams was probably her own doing but there were so many people in this school! What if there was someone more impressive?

He had heard about the consequences if Jennie didn't get first place. Money was a small matter. It was just a few billion yuan, which he could easily afford without Jennie having to worry about it. Even dropping out of school was no big deal. But having to kneel down, call someone "dad" and then eat sh*t was a bit much.

Jennie frowned when she saw Lisa's worried look. This devil had no confidence in her? It was just getting first place in the entire school and she could do it! This was a sure win, and it would make her classmates, Zhang Mingming and the school principal admit defeat wholeheartedly.

"Boss, have faith in me. I'll treat you to a big meal when I win!"

Jennie felt happy when she thought about this. She wanted to laugh out loud. Once the results were out, she would become a rich woman with a few billion yuan in her pocket. She would be able to support a boyfriend on the side and live her best life! She felt totally energized.

When she won this money, she should be able to repossess Mango Entertainment, right? She was overjoyed at the thought of this. If she got back Mango Entertainment, she would be one step closer to learning her identity. She would also be able to get her mom back as soon as possible. Jennie kissed Lisa happily on the lips again and said,

"I'm in such a good mood right now. This is a reward for you."

Lisa looked at Jennie in surprise. This girl actually kissed him one more time? Must she be so happy just to earn a few billion yuan? Wasn't that just small money? If he had known that this would make her so happy, he would have made her happy a long time ago. He asked,

"What is it that makes you so happy?"


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now