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Lisa's eyes turned cold when he heard this. His aura started to get cold and so was the temperature in the car. He did not want to have anything to do with Grandma Manoban, much less care about this matter and he didn't have time. So, he replied coldly,

"Since you've asked her to stay for dinner, that's your business. Why are you looking for me?"

Grandma Manoban was enraged when she heard this. How dare her grandson talk to her like this? He really didn't know what was good for him. Did he think that they had no other grandson? Unfortunately, Lisa was the only capable grandson. Grandma Manoban replied angrily,

"Why do you think I'm looking for you? Chaeyeon is your future wife. Of course, you have to come back and keep her company."

Lisa frowned when he heard this. He had never admitted to having such a wife. He turned to look at the girl beside him and thought about everything that had happened with Jennie over the past few days, and her various actions. He replied over the phone without hesitation,

"Grandma, I already have a wife. Chaeyeon and I have nothing to do with each other."

Grandma Manoban snorted when she heard this. How could she not know what her grandson was like? He had never been close to women. Even if a woman tried to throw herself at him, she might be attacked by him. How could he be married? She replied coldly,

"Don't f*cking talk nonsense here. Given your character, how could you have a f*cking wife? Don't lie to grandma."

Lisa looked at Jennie seriously. He was not lying. He did have a wife, and they were legally married. No one could change this, so there was no need for him to lie to the old lady. He replied seriously over the phone,

"I'm not lying. I really have a wife."

Grandma Manoban almost laughed out loud when she heard this. Her grandson would actually find such a lousy excuse just to avoid Chaeyeon. He did not know how to lie at all. The lie he told was like a child's, with absolutely no credibility. She said mockingly,

"If you do have a wife, bring her back and show me. Then I would believe you. Don't even think about using the lie of having a wife to avoid Chaeyeon. Even if you don't like women, you must still get a wife someday."

When Lisa heard this, he turned to look at Jennie. Since Grandma Manoban had already said so, should he just bring the girl back to show them that he already had a wife? After thinking for a moment, he made up his mind and replied firmly,

"Okay, then I'll bring my wife back now."

Lisa then ended the call and looked at Jennie with a doubtful expression. He did not know if this girl could handle those old people. Moreover, if she went back today, her life would not be as easy as before. Nonetheless, he asked in all seriousness,

"Jennie, are you willing to go back to the old house with me to meet my family?"

Then, Lisa looked at Jennie with anticipation, hoping that she would say yes. When Jennie heard Lisa's words, she was first stunned. Why did he suddenly bring up such a matter? But when she saw Lisa's expectant look and was about to speak, she realized that she could not.

When she felt that she couldn't make a sound, she looked at Lisa in surprise. Has he poisoned the snow pear dessert? She tried to speak again but there was still no sound. She could only mouth her words silently,

"Boss, you didn't put some poison in the dessert just now to mute me, did you?"

Lisa was even more confused when he saw Jennie mouthing her words. Why was this girl suddenly doing this? If she didn't want to go, she could have just said so. There was no need to act like this. But when he thought about Jennie mouthing her words silently, he asked nervously,

"What? Why can't you speak?"

Jennie kept trying to speak but to no avail. Lisa was also very worried and a little flustered when he saw her like this. After all, she just got her voice back. Why was this a problem again? Lisa said anxiously as he stared at Jennie's mouth,

"Open your mouth quickly. Let me see what's going on. Why can't you speak all of a sudden?"


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now