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Lisa looked at Jennie who had been a little reserved the whole night and knew that she must be uncomfortable here. She wasn't normally like this. This was not their home after all. To make Jennie more comfortable, Lisa rejected the old man directly,

"There's no need. Felix can drive us home."

Grandpa Manoban was very unhappy when he heard this. His grandson had always been obedient but today he defied his grandfather. It was unbelievable. He looked at Jennie and thought that perhaps Lisa was doing this for her. Grandpa Manoban didn't care too much and replied in a commanding tone,

"It's very late. It's not safe even if Felix drives."

Grandma Manoban nodded when she heard this. After all, the old residence was located in a remote area and there are long stretches of uninhabited areas on their way home. It could be dangerous. Grandma Manoban persuaded,

"Alright, I know that you're a germaphobe, so we have someone clean your bedroom every day. Rest assured, stay here!"

Lisa held Jennie's hand tightly. Seeing that she was still very reserved, he knew that he had to bring her home tonight no matter what. Otherwise, she would not be able to sleep well and be lethargic tomorrow. Lisa replied firmly,

"It's not because of that. We are just not used to it."

Grandma Manoban was slightly displeased when she heard this. Since they were already here, she wouldn't let them leave just like that. Moreover, it was not that she did not like this girl, so she said to Lisa,

"This is your home too. What's there to be unaccustomed to? You'll get used to it if you stayed here long enough. No matter what, you have to stay here tonight."

Jennie was a little disappointed when she heard this. The old couple clearly looked down on her and wanted to get rid of her. They even asked her to divorce Lisa immediately! Why were they suddenly so enthusiastic that they wanted them to stay the night?

Moreover, they have stopped talking about her divorcing Lisa immediately. They were completely different from before! Jennie understood that young people nowadays could be fickle, but she did not expect that old people were fickle too!

Lisa was still resistant but when he saw his grandparents' insistence, he felt a little helpless. The two of them would not be able to walk out today without the old couple's consent. He massaged his temples as he said helplessly,

"Alright, we'll stay then."

He then led Jennie sullenly upstairs. Jennie followed Lisa with a look of surprise. Wasn't the courtyard they went to earlier Lisa's room? Why were they going upstairs now?

Jennie followed Lisa upstairs with a face full of question marks. They arrived at a huge bedroom. The decoration was simple yet luxurious with an antique feel. Lisa saw the doubt on Jennie's face and explained,

"This is also my room. I grew up with my grandparents. I moved into the courtyard when I was an adult and later to the manor where we are living now when I became head of the Manoban family. 

Actually, Lisa moved so far away because he knew that he might be in danger and did not want to bring the danger to his grandparents at the old residence. That was why he moved out, so he had less worries.

Jennie nodded to show that she understood, but she really wanted to ask Lisa why his parents were not here. She thought she would meet the devil's parents when they came to the old residence today but in the end, they were not here at all.

Lisa was relieved after he saw Jennie's nod to show that she understood. Since they had decided to stay the night, they would stay in peace for the night and go home tomorrow. He stroked Jennie's beautiful hair and said calmly,

"Go wash up first. I'll get the helpers to bring you a change of clothes."

Jennie nodded when she heard this. She then walked into the bathroom with doubt. Since the devil didn't mention his parents, she dared not ask. After she was done washing up, she wrapped herself in a towel and walked out shyly. Lisa was also wrapped in a towel when he walked into the bedroom. Jennie mouthed in surprise,

"Isn't there only one bathroom here? I went in to take a shower and you weren't there. Where did you shower then? Is there another bathroom?"


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