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Jennie, who was already very nervous, was astonished when she heard Lisa's voice. Her hand that was holding the towel suddenly loosened and the towel fell to the ground. She was standing stark naked before Lisa. She immediately covered her face and screamed.

She's ruined. All she wanted to do was to run into the bedroom as soon as possible but she was surprised by Devil Manoban's voice and now she's stark naked. She had lost all face. How could she face people after this? How could she face Devil Manoban? Lisa quickly squatted, picked up the towel from the floor and wrapped it around Jennie. His ears turned red as he pretended to say calmly,

"What are you screaming about?"

Lisa's eyes burned with desire. Looking at Jennie's fair and smooth skin, he had the urge to pounce on Jennie, but he held it back. After all, if the girl was pregnant, it might not be a good thing if he acted impulsively now. He quickly added, "What haven't I seen before?"

Jennie was stunned when she heard this, then her face turned red. Indeed, when her arms were broken, Lisa had helped her shower. He had seen all parts of her body, but this was an accident... There was nothing wrong with what Lisa said. Jennie was speechless.

Lisa tried his best to suppress his impulse and thoughts of things he wanted to do to Jennie. His mouth was dry as he looked at the dazed but attractive Jennie. He almost could not suppress his desire and his voice sounded different as he said,

"Why are you still standing here? Go put on some clothes or you'll catch a cold."

Jennie quickly reacted when she heard this. She looked at his desire filled eyes and lowered her head. Blushing, she grabbed the towel with both hands, nodded, and ran out of the bathroom. Lisa rushed into the shower as he watched her leave. He showered his body with cold water, hoping to extinguish his inner desire.

He did not know why, he hated women but every time he saw this girl, he was like a hungry wolf meeting a sheep. He could not suppress the desire in his heart, and his temperature kept rising. He had to try very hard to suppress it every time, and needed cold water to calm himself down.

Jennie ran back to the room and quickly put on her clothes. She lay in bed, her mind still thinking about the scene just now and she suddenly felt shy. To distract herself, she sat up to play a game on her phone. Just as she launched the game, a message popped up. "Boss, I've released a new album. When are you free? Can you give me a few new songs?"

Jennie saw the message and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. How could she have forgotten about her skill that could make a fortune? She clearly had skills to help her make a living, yet she was starving. It was too embarrassing. After staring at the message for a long time, she couldn't remember this person nor who she had written for in her past life. She replied,

"Who is this, please?"

In her past life, she had written several good songs, but most of them had been given away. They were all given to a young man who liked to sing but had no one to write songs for him. She remembered that she saw this young man standing alone by the lake and thought that he was going to take his own life because of money. After some questioning, she found out that it was about songs so she gave all the songs that she had written at that time to this teenager. She even exchanged contact information with the teenager. Could this person be him? While she was thinking, the other person replied,

"Boss, you forgot about me. I'm Nangong Zhenlong. You wrote all the songs for my current album."

Jennie's eyes widened as she looked at the message on her phone. Nangong Zhenlong was recently a very popular celebrity. He was publicly acknowledged as a god of songs with both the skills and the looks! She didn't expect that she has written songs for this god. Wasn't this the best opportunity to earn money? Jennie was excited and wrote back with a smile, "How much will you pay me for a song?"

There was no reply from Nangong Zhenlong for a while. Jennie's face was filled with frustration. How could this god of songs be so stingy that he stopped replying when she asked about money? If she had known, she wouldn't have given him so many songs back then. She would have kept the songs and sold them to someone else. Just as she was about to put down the phone, Nangong Zhenlong replied with a message.


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