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Jennie's hand was held by Lisa all the way back to the hotel. She followed Lisa back to the suite in a daze. After entering the master bedroom, Lisa let go of her hand and looked at her.

"You go shower first."

Jennie was stunned when she first heard this. Then, her heart started to race. When she raised her head to look around, she realized that she had returned to the hotel with Lisa and was in their bedroom. Lisa looked at Jennie with confusion and continued

"You shower first. I'll go next."

Lisa's gaze was a little strange as he said this. When he thought of Jennie's fair skin, he felt his temperature rise and his mouth dry. He even had the urge to get her into bed right now. He smirked as he added,

"How about we shower together?"

Jennie was already a little nervous and did not know exactly what Devil Manoban meant. She shook her head and replied anxiously,

"It's all right. I'll go first."

Jennie's face was flushed as she said this. She quickly turned and walked into the bathroom. Devil Manoban must be crazy to make such an outrageous request. Her arms have healed and she didn't need anyone to help her shower.

The desire in Lisa's eyes did not diminish as he watched Jennie run away. If he was not afraid that Jennie might be pregnant, he would not have restrained himself. He would have done as he pleases.

At the thought of this, Lisa took out his phone to check the date. There was still more than half a month before he could find out if Jennie was pregnant. Lisa had just finished checking the date when the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Normally, this was a common sound, but today, this sound was like a bucket of gasoline pouring into his heart, fanning his desire and making his temperature rise.

Impatience flashed across Lisa's cold face. He put down his phone, picked up his laptop and started to work. He used work to distract himself so he wouldn't feel so restless.

The sound of running water finally stopped

also been soothed. He turned off his laptop and took his favorite clothes into the bathroom. Just as he was about to go in, he saw Jennie on her way out.

Jennie was only wrapped in a towel. She looked at Lisa nervously. Why did he come in so quickly? Couldn't he wait for her to leave before coming in? Why the rush? She said anxiously,

"Oh, you... You're here."

Jennie could not, under any circumstances, let Lisa discover her secret. She had wanted to run out as fast as possible, but she did not expect Lisa to come in so quickly. He did not give her a chance to escape at all!

Lisa was confused. What was wrong with this girl today? Just leave after washing up. Was there a need to say hi? Could it be that she was hiding something from him? Or was it something else? He asked calmly,

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Jennie got even more flustered as she heard this. This damn devil should just go in quickly. Why must he ask her what was wrong? Jennie had no choice but to move her feet carefully and say nervously,

"It's nothing. I'm just saying hi and I'm leaving now."

Lisa was already confused about Jennie's behavior. He was even more puzzled when he saw that she was flustered and spoke nervously. Could it be that she was shy? It couldn't be. After all, he has helped her shower several times before. So, he asked again,

"What's wrong with you?"

Jennie immediately shook her head but her face was flushed. If he found out her little secret, he would laugh at her. She must not let him know that she forgot to bring in her change of clothes when she came in earlier. It was too awkward now, so she quickly said,

"Nothing, I'm fine. I'm going to go now."

Lisa was even more curious when he saw how strange she was behaving. There was definitely something wrong with this girl. Why would she be so flustered otherwise? He must find out what it was so if there really was a problem, it's better to deal with it quickly so as to avoid any irreparable damage. Lisa walked towards the flustered Jennie and asked again,

"Are you really alright?"


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