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Jennie was speechless. Even though Boss Manoban was indeed handsome, he was a bit shameless to ask that. Couldn’t he be a little more humble? She already praised him once. Did he want her to praise him again?

Besides, Jennie was not good at compliments. She already said everything she could. Now, she did not know how to describe Lisa anymore, but she had to say something. What should she do now? Jennie looked at the handsome Lisa in front of her with distress.

After thinking for a long time, she still did not know what to say. Suddenly, she saw that Lisa’s shirt was covered with red wine. She quickly reached out to take off Lisa’s suit to prevent the red wine from staining more parts of his clothes. Lisa saw Jennie trying to take off his suit, and his heart sped up uncontrollably.

Blood rushed into his face. He became restless, and his mouth started to feel dry. Then, he grabbed Jennie’s hand, pinned her down on the comfortable bed, and said faintly, “What do you want to do?”

Jennie was shocked when she heard his voice. Her body was limp, and her face was flushed with embarrassment. She looked nervously at Boss Manoban, who was on top of her, and said soundlessly, “There is red wine on your clothes. I just want to help you take them off.”

Lisa smirked and reached out to lift Jennie’s chin. He was filled with lust for her as he stared into Jennie’s eyes and said in a low voice, “Is that all you want to do?”

Jennie quickly nodded. Of course that was all she wanted to do. Otherwise, what else could she want to do to him? She heard that Boss Manoban was a neat freak. His clothes were dirty already. It was obvious that she had to take them off quickly and clean them up.

Lisa said coldly. “Really? I don’t believe it.”

Jennie was speechless. What was Devil Manoban thinking about? Did he think that she wanted to sexually harass him? Even if she wanted to, she did not have the guts to do so.

Jennie helplessly opened her red lips and said soundlessly, “You won’t believe me anyway. Forget it.”

Lisa’s lips curled into a smile, and his eyes were gentle. He looked at Jennie’s face and said calmly, “Forget it? That won’t do. You tried to take my clothes off.”

Jennie looked at Lisa in stony silence. So what? Didn’t he remember that the two of them already had the most intimate encounters not long ago?

Lisa said coldly, “How are you going to make it up to me?”

Jennie almost wanted to cry. What was wrong with Lisa? She was not the one who wanted to have sex with him that night. Plus, she only wanted to help him take off his coat today. Did she do something wrong? After a moment of silence, she looked helplessly at Lisa and said soundlessly, “What do you want then?”

When Lisa heard this, he gave her a wry look. Then, he looked Jennie up and down, and his gaze fell on Jennie’s clothes. His face was unreadable as he said indifferently, “I want to do the same for you.”

Jennie looked at Lisa in confusion. What did he mean by that? What did Devil Manoban want to do to her? Lisa looked at Jennie and his lips curled up. After that, he reached out his hand and slowly placed it on the zipper on Jennie’s clothes.

“This is what I want to do.”

Lisa unzipped Jennie’s clothes, revealing her close-fitting clothing under it. Although she did not show much skin, Jennie was still shy and blushed.

“What are you doing?” She nervously held Lisa’s hand and asked soundlessly.

When Lisa heard this, the smile on his face got wider. Looking at Jennie’s face, he felt even hotter and his heart raced. He was like a hungry wolf finally meeting a lamb, “I’m asking for my compensation.”

Jennie looked at Lisa speechlessly and helplessly. If she did not give Devil Manoban what he wanted today, he would not let her off the hook.

She let go of Lisa’s hand and said soundlessly, “All right.”

Jennie did not dare to look directly at Lisa’s extremely handsome face, nor did she have the courage to look at Lisa’s hand. Because once she looked at them, she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and jump on Lisa..


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now