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Jennie secretly tugged at Lisa’s suit, wanting to tell him to stop talking. After all, they had gone too far just now, and the employees should not be blamed. Lisa glanced at Jennie, the shy girl lowering her head. He could not help but wonder if the woman who just kissed him was really Little Mute? Why was she so bashful now? He asked her calmly,

“What’s the matter?”

Lisa gave up the idea of reprimanding those people. He smiled and held Jennie’s hand. In an instant, his cold heart turned warm. At this moment, he felt the saying of “A woman could make a man lose his mind” made sense.

Right now, Lisa was no longer thinking of checking her phone. He just wanted to hug Little Mute into his arms and kiss her cold lips again. Jennie’s face blushed as she wrote the words on Lisa’s palm shyly,

“Don’t scold them. Just pretend as nothing happened.”

Lisa looked at Jennie with his deep eyes and smiled. He glanced at the people around them and said calmly,

“I want to ignore it, but there are so many people. Do you think they will pretend like they didn’t see it?”

Hearing this, Jennie was stunned. She looked around and instantly felt that she was just too stupid. To prevent Lisa from discovering her secret, Jennie put her phone into her chest and even kissed Lisa. She was simply silly.

Lisa was in a good mood. He reached out and stroked Jennie’s hair as he said happily,

“You have to be responsible for that kiss.”

Jennie was speechless. How could Devil Manoban be so shameless? If he had not insisted on snatching her phone, how could she have put the phone into her chest? And how could she have kissed him in a flurry? She was so annoyed that she said it silently with her lips.

“Be responsible? Then, I’ll let you kiss me back.”


After saying the word, Lisa lifted Jennie’s chin and kissed her right away. It was a domineering and passionate kiss. He felt that her lips were soft and somewhat sweet. It felt good to kiss her.

The surrounding people were helpless. What the h*ll was he doing? Did they have to watch it again? They could not bear it. Even though they were single, they had feelings. They could not endure watching it again, and they had to ignore it.

Three hours later, Lisa carried Jennie, who had fallen asleep, off the plane. Max was very unhappy behind him. Their CEO was such an aloof person, yet he was carrying Little Mute, a useless woman who had destroyed Mr. Manoban’s powerful aura.

More importantly, Little Mute had a lot of scandal on her, which would be enough to write an essay. It was basically going to ruin Mr. Manoban’s reputation. He had to think of a way to make Mr. Manoban realize it in case he would be fooled by this woman. As he thought of this, Max quickly walked over to Lisa’s side and said respectfully,

“Mr. Manoban, we’re going to discuss the contract soon. Please put Jennie down. I will send her to the hotel now.”

So far, the marriage between Mr. Manoban and this woman has not been made public yet. Only a few of his trusted aides and the servants in the manor knew that this woman was Mrs. Manoban. Most importantly, Max did not want others to know about it.

“There’s no need.”

Lisa coldly rejected Max’s suggestion. He had to carry his wife in person. Moreover, Little Mute was sleeping soundly right now. Lisa could not bear to wake her up. When Max saw Mr. Manoban behaving like this, he was still unwilling to give up. He probed,

“Then, shall I carry her for you?”

Lisa glanced at Max coldly, his eyes full of warning. He was possessive about Little Mute, and he did not want anyone else to touch her. Not to mention Max, he did not even want a woman to carry her. Lisa said coldly,

“Mind your own business.”

When Max heard it, a layer of sweat appeared on his head. He glanced at Felix aside and quickly leaned over. He gave Felix a continuous hint with his eyes, but Felix did not understand what he meant at all. At last, Max could only say to Felix silently with his lips,

“Come on! Give him some advice! Tell him not to lose his cool. He can’t keep doing this!”

Felix understood what Max meant, but he raised his head to look at the sky, pretending to know nothing. Mr. Manoban was their boss. He certainly could stay with whoever he liked. As subordinates, they had no right to question him.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now