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When Jennie heard Lisa’s question, she instantly felt a little embarrassed. She scratched her head and took out her phone from her chest.

The screen had shattered, and there was a bullet in the middle of it. It was this phone that saved Jennie’s life. She said softly, “This phone saved my life.”

Lisa looked at the broken phone and was instantly speechless. Didn’t she just say that the phone was in the room?

She was indeed lying. Lisa looked at the phone and confirmed that Jennie was fine before saying coldly, “Since you’re fine, why did you scream?”

Jennie was speechless. “Devil Manoban, can’t you say something nice? Don’t you know how to take care of a woman? You deserve it for not having a woman staying with you before. Now, you dare to talk like this. Do you want to be single again?” she thought in her heart.

“Say it. Why did you scream?”

Seeing Jennie in silence for a long time, Lisa asked coldly. After all, he was scared just now. He had thought that Little Mute was going to leave him. Now that she was fine, she had to explain it. Jennie chuckled and said,

“It really hurt when I was shot just now. I thought I was going to die, so I called out a few times.”

Lisa did not seem to be satisfied with her explanation. He still stared at Jennie coldly. She made him so embarrassed just now.

Felix and the others had all seen it. So, Jennie could not just explain it so casually. He said coldly, “Since you’re fine, why didn’t you get up? Why were you lying on the ground?”

Jennie was even more speechless. What was wrong with this man? Was he not done?

Did he like to embarrass others? If he kept doing this, he would ruin their relationship. Did she not have a face? She was not a shameless woman!

Lisa held Jennie’s hand tightly and snorted, waiting for Jennie’s answer. Jennie could see that he would not let her go if she did not give a reason. So she could only say helplessly, “I was scared.”

Lisa’s face darkened when he heard this. Was she scared? She was just lying on the ground and pretending to be dead!

Did she know that he was the one who got scared? He was on the verge of breaking down.

After Jennie explained, she saw that Lisa’s face was still cold.

so she quickly turned meek and acted coquettishly, trying to explain with a gentle voice, “After all, I’m a girl. I would definitely be frightened in such a situation. So I laid down as my legs felt weak from the fear. I didn’t have the strength to get up at all. Can you understand? Moreover, I only screamed once. I was so scared that I couldn’t get up. But I didn’t wet my pants. Wasn’t I already brave enough?”

Lisa was speechless. Wet her pants? He was the one who almost wet his pants! He looked at Jennie’s exquisite face with a complicated

expression. Fortunately, she was fine. Or else he would have gone crazy. He said coldly, “Jennie, you’re a girl. Don’t say anything inappropriate.”

Hearing that, Jennie was confused. What? Did she say anything inappropriate? There was not a single word in her sentence just now!

Jennie shook her head and said to Lisa loudly, “Did I? Don’t talk nonsense. I’m a good girl.” Her voice was extraordinarily pleasant to the ear, like beautiful music.

Lisa listened to her pleasant voice and realized something serious. Little Mute seemed to have been speaking all this time. He raised his head, looked at Jennie with an obscure gaze, and asked coldly, “You can speak now?”

Hearing that, Jennie suddenly remembered that her voice had completely recovered. And now, Devil Manoban had found out.

She had intended to hide it and surprise him after Devil Manoban made her happy. Lisa’s eyes were filled with a hint of danger. He looked at Jennie sharply and said coldly,

“Were you really mute or have you been pretending to be mute?”

Jennie did not want Lisa to know that she could speak a while ago. So she had been hiding it from him. However, she forgot to hide it when they encountered the gunshot just now.

Hence, she could only explain, “I wasn’t mute before. But I was injured not long ago, causing me unable to speak. The doctor had said that I might not recover for the rest of my life. But I was scared by the gunshot just now, and I could speak all of a sudden. Maybe I was blessed, and God wants me to speak again because I’m such a smart and beautiful angel.”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now