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Jennie got angrier as she heard Zhang Ningning’s words. How was this f*cking hard work? She was planning to steal the family business and yet she made everything sound so dignified. How shameless! But in order to save her mom, Jennie calmly patted Zhang Ningning and said indifferently,

“If Auntie thinks that it’s too much hard work, you should bring Ji-hyang home to rest!”

Zhang Ningning was stunned. Why didn’t Jennie react according to common sense? Shouldn’t she be grateful to Ji-hyang? She looked at Jennie awkwardly and said with a fake smile,

“Jennie, you’ve never entertained guests before. There are some things you might not do well. Let Ji-hyang stay here and help you.”

Ji-hyang immediately nodded when she heard this. She definitely wouldn’t miss such a good opportunity to meet this big shot! She glanced at Lisa shyly and said,

“That’s right, Sister. I’m not very tired either. I’ll help you here.”

Jennie ignored the mother and daughter. She held Lisa’s arm and walked into the living room. She let Lisa sit on the sofa while she got a glass of water for him. She sat beside him and looked at the mother and daughter who followed them in when she said,

“Whatever the case, the two of you are staying here temporarily as guests. It’s not appropriate for you to help me. Besides, it’s going to be our family reunion in a while. As outsiders, it’s not very good for you to be around, right?”

When Zhang Ningning heard Jennie’s words, her face suddenly turned a little pale. She could hardly conceal her anger. This Jennie was too much. Who was the outsider in this family? Did she not know? She snorted coldly,

“In this family, you...”

Jennie stared at Zhang Ningning, a little nervous and a little expectant. She wanted to see what Zhang Ningning would say and whether it would be a shocking secret. Ji-hyang saw that Zhang Ningning was at the verge of saying that shocking secret, she immediately pulled her mother’s hand and interrupted softly,

“Mom, little sister is still young now. Sometimes, she doesn’t pay attention to her words. You can’t be like her.”

She mocked Jennie softly but somewhat smugly. It was totally impossible for the little trash to cross swords with her. Ji-hyang did not give Jennie a chance to refute as she looked at Lisa and said pitifully,

“My little sister, you can’t say that my mom and I are outsiders. We’re family. My father and your father are blood brothers. Besides, we’re all blood of the Kim family. How can we be outsiders?”

Lisa looked at Jennie in confusion. Up until now, he noticed that Jennie seemed particularly unfriendly towards these two so-called relatives. She even hated them a little and seemed to want to drive them away.

Although Felix had been standing by the side, he could see clearly that Madam hated these two people. Felix even suspected if they were really Madam’s relatives? It didn’t look that way at all!

Jennie looked with a faint smile at Ji-hyang who kept talking. This two-faced hypocrite was already pretending to be wronged? Wasn’t it enough that she was exposed at school? Jennie clapped her hands and said coldly,

“Ji-hyang, you are so very eloquent! With your eloquence, you should work in sales. Your fallacy is very good.”

Ji-hyang lowered her head to hide the anger in her eyes. This piece of trash Jennie had actually become so quick-witted and was no longer so easily deceived. However, in order to get close to Boss Manoban, she hurriedly explained,

“Jennie, this isn’t a fallacy. It’s the truth!”

Ji-hyang didn’t think so in her heart. In her opinion, Jennie and her crazy mom were the outsiders. It was Jennie and her mother who had taken over the household and stole her and her mother’s positions. They were detestable and hateful. How dare Jennie turn around and call them the outsiders?

But what Ji-hyang didn’t know was that Kim Seon-ho was able to go from a nobody to a small billionaire because of Jennie’s mother. If it weren’t for Jennie’s mother, Kim Seon-ho wouldn’t he where he was today.

But Jennie knew very well that when her mother married Kim Seon-ho, he was a nobody. It was his mother who brought the money and company that made Kim Seon-ho the successful person that he was today.


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now