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Uncle Shin, who had on a white coat, looked a little pale. Jennie had caused them a lot of trouble this time. They might lose more than half of their family assets, which they had spent years building. He was covered in cold sweat as he looked nervously Shin Min Ah and said,

"Master, it's about Jennie's exams. She got first place from the bottom again and we'll have to pay tens of billions of yuan in compensation and be suppressed by some people."

After he became the mastermind, the entire Zhang family had been handed over to Jisoo's father. However, some people in the Zhang family had ulterior motives. Some of them wanted to betray Shin Min Ah first and then take control of the Zhang family themselves while the other group were direct descendants like Jisoo, who were loyal to Shin Min Ah.

The Zhang family had been subordinates of the Shin family; the Zhang family merely worked for the Shin family. However, the Shin family had offended someone that shouldn't have and they were hunted down and persecuted. The Shin family had no choice but to transfer the Shin family assets to the Zhang family and go behind the scenes.

However, after receiving these assets, some people in the Zhang family were blinded by the benefits and wanted to take over all the assets and replace the Shin family altogether. If they lost tens of billions of yuan this time, it would make things very difficult for the direct descendants.

Shin Min Ah couldn't believe what Uncle Shin had said. How could this girl lose? It was impossible. Jennie should have been faking everything before this. Shin Min Ah's face was a little pale because these tens of billions of yuan were not a joke. She replied in a panic,

"How is it possible? I believe that Jennie was absolutely capable of getting first place. Could you have heard wrong?"

When Jennie was young, Shin Min Ah agreed to let Kim Seon-ho send her to the countryside in order to prevent that person from discovering Jennie's existence and to prevent that person from brutally murdering her. She had then secretly found leaders in various fields to educate and develop Jennie. Those educators have told her that Jennie was a genius and could learn anything.

Uncle Shin was also a little sad when he heard this. After all, this was a very important matter. It's understandable that his master didn't believe it. Unfortunately, it was the unmistakable truth. That child Jisoo would not lie to him. Uncle Shin looked at Shin Min Ah with a troubled expression and said,

"Master, I couldn't have heard wrong. It was Jisoo of the Zhang family who told me. From what he said, not only would Jennie need to pay compensation, she would also have to kneel before him and call him 'dad'. She'd also have to eat sh*t in a live stream. Master, what should we do?"

Shin Min Ah was a little angry when she heard this. Paying compensation was a small matter. But the kneeling before someone, calling him "dad", and eating sh*t in a live stream was too much. This would not be tolerated but the Zhang family might not listen to her these days. She frowned and said,

"How dare Jisoo do this? How dare he treat Jennie like this? Jennie is his biological sister!"

Back when Shin Min Ah was persecuted by that person, she had no choice but to separate her twins, a son and a daughter, and the son was Jisoo. Shin Min Ah was also very glad that the two children were fraternal twins and didn't look the same, just somewhat similar. Only she and Uncle Shin knew this secret.

Uncle Shin's heart also ached when she saw Shin Min Ah's sad look. He had worked for the Shin family for so long and had long regarded Shin Min Ah as family. Of course, his heart ached. But this matter had already come to this, so he replied reluctantly,

"Master, young master and young miss are not seeing eye to eye now. I'm afraid..."

Shin Min Ah waved her hand and interrupted Uncle Shin. There was nothing she could do about it. That person was too powerful and was not someone she and the Shin family could go up against. She could only blame herself for being in this situation. Shin Min Ah said self-deprecatingly,

"Uncle Shin, don't say anymore. It's all my fault. I thought I'd met the love of my life but he turned out to be a scumbag. I've foolishly given birth to his children and was persecuted by that woman, so..."

Uncle Shin couldn't help but clench his fists in anger when he heard this. He remembered everything that happened back then. How could all the blame be his master's?


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now